St. Anger is brilliant

A freind of mine brought St. Anger over and we listened to on repeat all night..I never laughed so hard in my entire life..My freind had me in stiches over this CD..
Yes, St. Anger sucks. Anyway, my freind might return his copy of St. Anger and trade it in for something else..
St. Anger is the worst album I've ever heard. Hands down. Good production on a DVD won't mask FUCKING AWFUL songwriting.
The moments of sheer brilliance on St. Anger are too few and far between. I was one of the few who liked the later Metallica stuff.

St. Anger is way sub-par. The deliveries, performance, production, etc... are all just not up to what they should be. I mean, I've made CDs myself before, and while I might not be the best qualified to talk about meaningful performances, this is METALLICA we're talking about.

They're perfectly capable of putting out a good record, they just didn't. No skin off my back. I think the new member, the loss of the old member, the Napster thing, James's rehab, etc... have all kinda messed with their heads a bit, and I don't think they were ready to put out a new album yet.

FWIW, Opeth still rules. I haven't been totally let down by an album of theirs yet.
valgalder said:


`nuff said.
Thats a cop-out and you know it. Listen to the album and give a valid opinion. Everyone is saying how shit it is, how the fuck could it be overrated? I don't give a flying fuck if you think the album is great or absolute shit, atleast give valid opinions.
I wont waste my time.. I have listened to it.. no need to waste my time any further. THere are much better things I could be doing or listening to than a crappy album from a washed up band that sells way too many albums than they should be.
valgalder said:
I wont waste my time.. I have listened to it.. no need to waste my time any further. THere are much better things I could be doing or listening to than a crappy album from a washed up band that sells way too many albums than they should be.
Ok but how can an album with such bad reviews from pretty much everyone be overrated? Again, its a cop-out. A "it sucks, I don't like it" would have been better.
I love Metallica (and Opeth :)!!!!). I also love St.Anger! I think that it's just raw and real, and that's what I love about it! That's just my opinion, though!
My PERSONAL opinion of Metallica:

I was over 20 years old when Metallica first hit the scene, so I think I am at least qualified enough to give a valid opinion since I have followed Metallica from the beginning in real time, not just recently listening to all their albums close together.

They were one of the forefathers of pure and unadulterated speed metal. Along with Slayer and Exodus and a few others, they ruled the underground metal world with brilliant metal such as (to name just a few):
Master of Puppets
Seek and Destroy
Trapped Under Ice
Now to me, when the Black album arrived, I felt they had jumped up to w new level. For those who like raw and garage-like metal, something was missing. But for people like me where production plays a key role in my love for music (which is probably why BWP is my favorite Opeth album), then Black was a masterpiece. James voice, for the first time, was full and refined. The music had new depth for Metallica - a much darker side.

The came Load, Relaod. To me, this was a fast downhill slide. They did that bit with the orchestra too - it was OK. I have the DVD and do enjoy it sometimes. But for a long time listener of Metallica, I felt something was lost.

Then came the Napster thing. At that time, I was a Napster freak, and I was mad that Lars called Napster out. I was mad being banned from Napster several times because their scan found Metallica music on my computer. The other downloading choices like Morpheus just weren't nearly as good. I liked Napster for the maount of music at your fingertips, and the ability to find out of print musiuc. I knew I was stealing, but I also new this digital music revolution was something serious. I don't know how, but I think this could have been dealt with a little differently.

So that soured me to Metallica, for a non-musical reason. And now St. Anger. It's a step up from the past several Metallica albums, but it is not anything special. It's raw, but with what Metallica has been able to do in the past, I think St. Anger falls way short of their potential (based on their past performance). If I never knew Metallica before St. Anger, and measured it against Opeth, it would be a joke. But there is no denying that Metallica is a metal pioneer band. They were a major player in metal for many many years. But at least at present, that seems to me to be a thing o the past. St. Anger sounds average. It sounds like an album that most bands today could easily put out. I don't get the feeling that a lot of effort was put into this. Maybe my standards are messed up, but St. Anger sounds like mediocre music at best.
Immortality said:
Ok but how can an album with such bad reviews from pretty much everyone be overrated? Again, its a cop-out. A "it sucks, I don't like it" would have been better.

Are you kidding?! So many people like this crap. The man is right in saying overrated.
metalmancpa said:
My PERSONAL opinion of Metallica:

I was over 20 years old when Metallica first hit the scene, so I think I am at least qualified enough to give a valid opinion since I have followed Metallica from the beginning in real time, not just recently listening to all their albums close together.

They were one of the forefathers of pure and unadulterated speed metal. Along with Slayer and Exodus and a few others, they ruled the underground metal world with brilliant metal such as (to name just a few):
Master of Puppets
Seek and Destroy
Trapped Under Ice
Now to me, when the Black album arrived, I felt they had jumped up to w new level. For those who like raw and garage-like metal, something was missing. But for people like me where production plays a key role in my love for music (which is probably why BWP is my favorite Opeth album), then Black was a masterpiece. James voice, for the first time, was full and refined. The music had new depth for Metallica - a much darker side.

The came Load, Relaod. To me, this was a fast downhill slide. They did that bit with the orchestra too - it was OK. I have the DVD and do enjoy it sometimes. But for a long time listener of Metallica, I felt something was lost.

Then came the Napster thing. At that time, I was a Napster freak, and I was mad that Lars called Napster out. I was mad being banned from Napster several times because their scan found Metallica music on my computer. The other downloading choices like Morpheus just weren't nearly as good. I liked Napster for the maount of music at your fingertips, and the ability to find out of print musiuc. I knew I was stealing, but I also new this digital music revolution was something serious. I don't know how, but I think this could have been dealt with a little differently.

So that soured me to Metallica, for a non-musical reason. And now St. Anger. It's a step up from the past several Metallica albums, but it is not anything special. It's raw, but with what Metallica has been able to do in the past, I think St. Anger falls way short of their potential (based on their past performance). If I never knew Metallica before St. Anger, and measured it against Opeth, it would be a joke. But there is no denying that Metallica is a metal pioneer band. They were a major player in metal for many many years. But at least at present, that seems to me to be a thing o the past. St. Anger sounds average. It sounds like an album that most bands today could easily put out. I don't get the feeling that a lot of effort was put into this. Maybe my standards are messed up, but St. Anger sounds like mediocre music at best.
I totally agree with you..I was a Metallica fan from '85 up to the Black Cd..I saw Metallica on the AJFA tour (twice) and with Guns and Roses and at the Orange County Speedway here in NY..
The day Cliff Burton died in that terrible bus accident me and my high school freinds called up local radio stations and MADE them play Metallica..The college stations complied and even the local classic rock station WNEW FM in NYC played Metallica in honer of Cliff Burton..WNEW played Metalllica and told us to stop calling as they were only going to do this once because it was out of format for thier station..
Yes, Metallica has steadliy gone downhill as the Napster situation sucked, and the music doesn't have that all around edge of thrashy brutality that it once had..Metallica were against the mainstream trends of the 80's now they are following trends..
I wanted St Anger to be good, but it just doesn't do it for me..So many other bands do it better including Opeth..
Metallica are just not groundbreaking as they once were, and it's sad but I'm no longer a fan..If they weren't playing with such lame bands I would go see them live again as the Fillmore shows sounded excellent as they played alot of thier older material..
During the last 12 years I've been very dissapointed in Metallica and I'm not even (sadly) a fan anymore..