St. Anger sucks?

St Anger Sucks?

  • Yes

    Votes: 60 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 16.7%

  • Total voters
Blakk Pyrate said:
those eurotrash death bands dont suck because they wear face paint they suck because they all sound and look the same and quite frankly theyre boring. they just all happen to wear face paint and dress like the trenchcoat mafia so thats the easiest way to generalize them
I'm sure there's a few out there, but I've never seen a death metal band wearing corpsepaint. Virgin or goats blood maybe, but never corpsepaint.

Anyway, you're ignorant too.
poltergeist said:
those eurotrash death bands dont suck because they wear face paint they suck because they all sound and look the same and quite frankly theyre boring. they just all happen to wear face paint and dress like the trenchcoat mafia so thats the easiest way to generalize them

St. Anger was not as bad as everyone claims. its not as ood as their earlier work but it is surprisingly good considering their GIANT line of bad records
Megadeth has a new one coming out in September. I hope metallica is ready to eat shit. Megadeth has and will always be better than shitty metallica.
Lars can eat a dick, Kirk can suck a dick, James is a dick, and the other guy needs to quit the band while he has a chance.
lars can eat dick? looks like you are eating a dick pastery, fatty. i see you are used to eating everything you see, lucky for you ur stomach is in the way of your dick, of you would eat it too. before insulting metallica, look at yourself. who is more worthy of insult? metallica that has let out REALLY awesome records? or big, fat, abnoxious you? why dont you fucking lose some weight lard-bucket? stop bashing good bands and fucking bash yourself
i think fatso is worthy of a song:
called "do us a favor"

He is a fatass
He bashes good bands
He cant see his dick
i wouldnt be surprised if it isnt there anymore

Chorus: ill bet money that by the age
of 50, he will become so massive that
he will collapse into himself like a neutron star.
do us all a favor x3
and die!

he eats alot of food
and fucks alot of food
thats all the action he will get
in his entire miserable life


fuck you fatty
Blakk Pyrate said:
lars can eat dick? looks like you are eating a dick pastery, fatty. i see you are used to eating everything you see, lucky for you ur stomach is in the way of your dick, of you would eat it too. before insulting metallica, look at yourself. who is more worthy of insult? metallica that has let out REALLY awesome records? or big, fat, abnoxious you? why dont you fucking lose some weight lard-bucket? stop bashing good bands and fucking bash yourself
:lol: Best thing you've posted so far!
shitty band? look at yourself, you are the most shitty person on the planet. you are fat, everyone hates you, you arent on a diet to improve your miserable existance and not only that, you stuff you face with more fat. you are an idiot among idiots. getsome fucking lyposuction asswipe, or shoot yourself. then again that wont do any good because the bullet will get stuck among the potpourrie of shit you call a head and you wont be exterminated. lypo wont work becasue it would require FAR too much power to power a vacuum powerful enough to suck about 1000 KGs of fat aout of big fat you. so the obvious remedy is just to ge about 1 mile of string and sew your mouth shut and to chop yourfat fingers off so you cant post such idiocy. die fat boy
Blakk Pyrate is a retard. Someone insults his favourite band and instead of coming up with a decent statement to prove them wrong, he resorts to insulting their appearence and generally being a dick.
horrible? kirk hammet and james hetfield where voted the 2nd best metal guitaristsof all time, second to tony lommi, and also, hit the lights went gold, ride went plat, MOP went plat, and justice went plat, black went plat, and the rest went gold. how can they suck?
Blakk Pyrate said:
horrible? kirk hammet and james hetfield where voted the 2nd best metal guitaristsof all time, second to tony lommi, and also, hit the lights went gold, ride went plat, MOP went plat, and justice went plat, black went plat, and the rest went gold. how can they suck?

didnt the backstreet boys sell about as many for their albums? exactly...
Blakk Pyrate said:
horrible? kirk hammet and james hetfield where voted the 2nd best metal guitaristsof all time, second to tony lommi, and also, hit the lights went gold, ride went plat, MOP went plat, and justice went plat, black went plat, and the rest went gold. how can they suck?

Winning a bunch of gay mainstream awards voted for by people who dont know jack shit does not make a band good.