St. Anger sucks?

St Anger Sucks?

  • Yes

    Votes: 60 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 16.7%

  • Total voters
I like Metallica recent releases, but I can understand why some perople don't. It's new and origianal, and as I understand it, most metal-fans don't like that. I must admit that St. Anger is rahter repetitive and the drum-sound is annoying, but other than that, I can see nothing wong with it. It's a matter of taste, I suppose.

Oh, and by the way, Blakk Pyrat has to be stupid! How can he possibly think that he's convincing anyone with that retarted crap?
Tanith said:
This post only goes to prove how retarded all the Metallica fanboys who keep appearing in the forum are. I mean, c'mon, they're incapable of defending the album, so instead they resort to childish name calling and swearing alot, because they think it might prove their point.

Obviously, you can’t read either -- because you would have seen this post was a response to someone flaming me for no reason. And don’t pretend to be on a "higher" level than me just because you don’t swear. I mean seriously -- when the most versed word you can come up with is "retarded" do I even need to waste my time bantering back and forth with you?

And do you even know what a fanboy is? Or do you just like using the word with no apparent cause? I am by no means a fanboy. Read my original post before you decide to come into the fourth quarter and pretend to be coach. You are grasping at straws here buddy.

and btw i never said that st anger was the end-all album. if you read my original post youd see that its not the worst either. follwo this link to see what music critics said about it:
Obviously, you can’t read either -- because you would have seen this post was a response to someone flaming me for no reason. And don’t pretend to be on a "higher" level than me just because you don’t swear. I mean seriously -- when the most versed word you can come up with is "retarded" do I even need to waste my time bantering back and forth with you?

And do you even know what a fanboy is? Or do you just like using the word with no apparent cause? I am by no means a fanboy. Read my original post before you decide to come into the fourth quarter and pretend to be coach. You are grasping at straws here buddy.

hear hear
you are a fucking infant. do you comprehend? you fuck-ass. did you even read my post or just focus on the obscenities? oh wait -- let me guess -- you had your dildo shoved so far down your aids infested throat that your head was tiled back far enough for you to read jack-shit!

if you had even a inkling of cognitive thought -- you dumb shit -- you would have read that i haven’t sided with any of you fucks. you claim to like metal, yeah right -- the only metal you like is the metal dildo your dad fashioned for you after his own dick. you useless fuck.
Haha, ouch! My life's over!
I'm sorry everybody, but I thought St. Anger sucked wrinkly monkey nuts. I actually listened to it with my friend a while back, and I nearly threw up. They have changed for the worse. They started as speed metal, went to heavy metal, down to hard rock, and now they're trying to be death metal. What the fuck is up with taht silly assed shit man?

I'm sorry, but Metallica should just end it right now. They're just not what they used to be. I'm a huge fan of the band, but they've just lost it. They just aren't what they once were. They should just end it right now, and save many people lots of grief and ear pains.
I'm still surprised there are so many St. Anger lovers out there. I'm all for subjectivity and opinions and everything, but it's absolutely mindblowing that one can listen to St. Anger without the side effects of extreme nausea, diarrhea, and feeling like your ears have been plugged with dried donkey semen. It's just that bad.
anoymousnick2001 said:
I'm still surprised there are so many St. Anger lovers out there. I'm all for subjectivity and opinions and everything, but it's absolutely mindblowing that one can listen to St. Anger without the side effects of extreme nausea, diarrhea, and feeling like your ears have been plugged with dried donkey semen. It's just that bad
I agree completely. The sad part is that most of Metallica's fanbase has grown so dedicated and fanatical that the band could release a cd with a bunch of fart noises on it, but as long as it has the "Metallica" logo stamped on it, it'll sell over a million copies.
Oh God...not one of THESE threads again......
It's been out for more than a year now. Get over it, people. I think the album had potential, but ultimately fell flat, by the way.
the way i see it, at least st. anger, and load and reload too are better than system of a down and slipknot and crap like that. i mean at least all three of those albums have some musical quality. but crappy albums are to be expected, whenever any artist of any type starts out its all about the artistic side of their work. then once people start noticing their art and they get all famous and well known and shit their work starts to become a commodity. im not saying its never still artistic but unless the person just doesnt give a shit about anything, their work will always have that factor of being a commodity just because it sold so well before. this has happened to every metal band thats gotten some recognition. besides i still say that if any band other than metallica had released st anger people wouldnt hate it so much because it really is a lot better than a lot of the other crap being released. also it looks like metallica is going in a better direction because they really arent as popular as they were several years ago and i figure the less populare they are the better their albums will be. besides when bands get old like that all theyre really good for is their live performance, old people always put out crappy studio albums. thats why im not so harsh on metallica
wow, another stupid nu-metallica sucks thread. amazing how dumb most of the people on the board are. look at this thread, its pathetic.
The making of St Anger:

MONDAY - James' drugdealer demands a substantial amount of money , threatning him with pictures of blazing pyros and skateboard accidents.

TUESDAY - James arranges a get together with Lars and Kirk , Jason is out of town apparently. James panics but luckely found Robert , swinging from a branch of a nearby tree.

WEDNESDAY - James , Lars , Kirk and Robert make a landmark album.

THURSDAY - St Anger gets sold for a substantial amount of money to a recordcompany , knowing that millions of loyal fans worldwide would buy it , some of them may even like it.

FRIDAY - James pays his drugdealer a substantial amount of money and sighs from relief , knowing that next time he comes around they can always release a compilation album :D
I know I'm late, but I'd just like to say that Metallica's first two releases were the only ones above average. Everything else can be disregarded by anyone who likes good Thrash Metal.
zeppelin said:
The making of St Anger:

MONDAY - James' drugdealer demands a substantial amount of money , threatning him with pictures of blazing pyros and skateboard accidents.

TUESDAY - James arranges a get together with Lars and Kirk , Jason is out of town apparently. James panics but luckely found Robert , swinging from a branch of a nearby tree.

WEDNESDAY - James , Lars , Kirk and Robert make a landmark album.

THURSDAY - St Anger gets sold for a substantial amount of money to a recordcompany , knowing that millions of loyal fans worldwide would buy it , some of them may even like it.

FRIDAY - James pays his drugdealer a substantial amount of money and sighs from relief , knowing that next time he comes around they can always release a compilation album :D
Gold, rofl.

I bought St Anger, but only listened to it a few times before I got bored of it. Then I went back to Opeth. :p

I don't particularly like the style (although I'm unsure what style it's actually meant to be), and I find alot of flaws in it. Lar's drums, the vocals, the repetitiveness (e.g. title song, say no more) of it, the lyrics, etc. I could go on for a long time but I'd rather not bore everyone to death. I just think there's just so many better albums out there.

I think it's amazing the incredible amount of Metallica fanboys still out there. I've enjoyed some of their releases, but I got over them a few years ago. Just like I got over Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Anthrax, Judas Priest, etc. Simply because I'm onto new stuff, which may or may not be better, but it's new.

Metallica should stick to live concerts IMO. Let the various little known bands out there get the attention.
Profånity said:
but not by people who like good Metal.

I'm just trying to be a little more open. Some people love Master of Puppets, I think it's really average. Some people love Justice and the Black Album, I find myself having better things to listen to. It just goes with the territory.