Standout bass lines in Opeth

they don't have the bass "audible" in the mix (ie up front) because there's no need, that's why johan left the band anyway - he wanted the bass as a lead instrument and it wouldn't work that way.
According to Farfalla, i think it was that he had made a new record deal contract and when the new record company wanted to have all the numbers from candlelight mike fired him because farfalla found out that the band had been receiving royalties but mike kept them all to himself.
The little skip-sounding fill at the start of "Nectar"! Always gets me pumped for the song ahead!
The first parts of Black Rose Immortal (If I remember correctly the part right after the first acoustic section has some pretty sweet bass) are probably my favorite Opeth bass part; Wreath, that part in The Twilight is My Robe, Blackwater Park, and lots of parts in Damnation are cool too.
hm I frequently have troubles hearing basslines except for perhaps on Watershed. The "funky" part in the lotus eater has a bass that really stands out for me. Also, there was some song frm SL that had amazing bass (except for face of melinda, of course) I think it was white cluster... Eh, I better check that out :erk:
I almost forgot the bassline in Requiem, it's fucking awesome. It's the most technical bass solo I have ever heard in my entire life.

I've always thought DeFarfalla is underapreciated. That crazy solo in Advent, after 9 minutes-wow! Not many bassists could pull that off, not rock bassists anyway.
I disagree. Most of Still Life and Deliverance the bass mix is pretty low. BWP I can hear fine. As for best bass lines and what not sounds good on every album. And would have to say Ghost Reveries is Martin's finest stuff!

deliverance is perfectly audible. same with still life. you have to know how to find the tone. of course it's not audible in the way that it's up front in the mix and overpowers everything else, but it's still perfectly there and audible.

and I was actually wrong about the mix on bwp, I thought it was buried but after listening to it again it's fine.

best playing is tbh damnation. he's groovin a lot there.
and I was actually wrong about the mix on bwp, I thought it was buried but after listening to it again it's fine.

Yeah it's pretty clear, I think the bass can't sound better...well it's my perception of a good bass sound. But sure, you can't always hear clearly what's played. Anyway, some great parts on Blackwater Park like I said. In The Drapery Falls, Bleak and Blackwater Park, especially.

VVV Why would we...? :rolleyes:
i dont know exactly what or how or whatever, but i kinda feel that the bass is too high volumewise on bwp while the mix allows the bass to be just as audible on GR (and sound better when not as up front kicking ure balls for attention). but yea, i know nothing about mixing so it might just be something ive made up.
According to Farfalla, i think it was that he had made a new record deal contract and when the new record company wanted to have all the numbers from candlelight mike fired him because farfalla found out that the band had been receiving royalties but mike kept them all to himself.
woah is this true?!?! Mike :ill: what the hell
from what i read in the email conversation someone here had with defarfalla after tracking him down he seems to be quite a douche.
read it the 6 page thread right? he just seems to be an ego-guy like mikael, and two egos were too much for the band so they clashed and mikael won the battle
read it the 6 page thread right? he just seems to be an ego-guy like mikael, and two egos were too much for the band so they clashed and mikael won the battle

whether you think he is a douche based upon that "email-interview" i did with him you have to decide for yourself, but to people like hox and winter milennium: don't lay words into his mouth please. he did NOT mention the royalty situation in the interview and i never found another source for that rumour, other than a hint from mikael. nothing as specific as what is mentioned here. if a source is there, reveal it. if not, stfu. i dont expect there is one, considering he wasn't available to the public eye since he left the band.