Star Wars Trivia

My turn. Who is Kettch and what is his war cry?

Kettch is an Ewok that Janson made up to prank Wedge. I believe he was the first talking Ewok, and fighter pilot, also wasn't he genetically enhanced by Zsinj . Didn't he first appear in Wraith Squadron?
Jan Dodonna is a General of the Rebel Alliance. Captured shortly after the battle on Yavin (first death star; he's the dude issuing orders and handing out medals in the movie). He was imprisioned on the Lusankya. He was found by Rogue Squadron member Corran Horn in the 3rd X Wing book and is set free in like the 9th X Wing book.

If I remember correctly he designed the A Wing prototype as well.
Who defected to the New Republic at the Battle of Thyferra with his Star Destroyer?