Started building my (small) studio

Argosy furniture has arrived!!!!! :Smokin:

Here is a pic of the 35!!! boxes. :OMG:

This is going to take me forever to assemble it all... :zombie:


The whole order is:

1 90-PC32-RR Console for Pro Control w/ 2 19" rack; 10 RU spaces
1 Spire 9143 3 bays; 42 RU spaces
1 Spire 9142 2 bays; 28 RU spaces
2 'Rack 'n Roll' L10 1 bay; 10 RU spaces

All in Black :heh:
hey eddy, you recorded any big bands, since you going very pro now! :) I guess you living on it :) congrats!
All wall panels are in place


Lights are on!!!!

Panels have some dust :(


Change in plans.

I'm installing hardwood floor on the control room where it was supposed to be carpet.
There was plenty of hardwood left from the Recording room so I decided to order some more and have it installed in the control room instead of carpet, adding the fact that wood floor is easier to mantain than carpet.

So they already started installing the floor.


Looks as though you have the cornrers covered.:Smokin::Smokin:

Know what system are you putting in there??:cool::cool:
This looks awesome man, I hope one day to be rich enough to afford this stuff :)

But not so rich that I can just pay someone to make it for me, it's all about doing it yourself :)
hey eddy, you recorded any big bands, since you going very pro now! :)

Nope. No big bands. I never had the conditions for it. Recording in a bedroom isn't very classy :lol:
Now that I'm gonna have better conditions, I have less time for it :rolleyes:

I guess you living on it :) congrats!
No again, it's more like living/working FOR it. :)

Looks as though you have the cornrers covered.:Smokin::Smokin:

Know what system are you putting in there??:cool::cool:

You can check on my myspace page, it's almost all there.
It's gear that I collected from all the years that I've been interested in this recording business.

This looks awesome man, I hope one day to be rich enough to afford this stuff :)

But not so rich that I can just pay someone to make it for me, it's all about doing it yourself :)

I would prefer to pay and trust someone to do it all than doing so much stuff on my own.
Because I take longer to do it, and the time I lose working on it could be used in recording/mixing. :) or sleeping :lol:
Another Rack N Roll assembled


I have the HVAC lids ready to be screwed
I'm gonna need help on these
they're very heavy.

Control room HVAC machine lid

It will fit here

This is where the infrared sensor will be installed.
It has an isolation box behind

You can see the isolation box in this pic (as in the first one) and the wire that goes from the machine through the box sealed with acoustical sealant

Recording room lid

Where it will fit
Wow... nice build, man!

I just saw this thread for the first time and I'm impressed. After spending the last few months building (and still finishing) my own studio, I'm both cringing at the amount of money this will be all costing you and stunned by how awesome it's coming up. The floors especially look fantastic - I would have really liked to have done that in my build but the budget got the best of me, I'm afraid. :(

I can't wait to see (and hear) it when it's finished - keep up the awesome work! :rock: