Starting My Metal Collection

Weak in the sense that it's not brutal at all. It's poppy. That's why it's so popular.

Shit, what planet are you from?? Behemoth's Demigod "poppy"?? :Smug: I know you must be joking. It's not really a sell out album. I think stuff like Thelma6 was more easily digestable. I don't even think Behemoth are very good, but the light you're trying to portray them in is just ludicrous.
Muffin Man, do you like Dream Theater?? If you're not familiar with them you have to get "Awake" I would think. Looks like you might like them judging by your list.
Kreator-Enemy of God, and Extreme Aggression
Carcass-Heartwork, and Swansong
Napalm Death-Harmony Corruption, and Smear Campaign
Nuclear Assualt-Game Over/The Plague
Sacred Reich-Surf Nicaragua
Into Eternity-Buried in Oblivion
Anacrusis-Screams and Whispers
Destruction - Thrash Anthems
Marduk - Plague Angel, Rom 5:12
Deicide - Serpents of the Light
Gorgoroth - Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam, Under the Sign of Hell
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness
Possessed - 7 Churches
Black: Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas or Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Death: Death - Human, Morbid Angel - Gateways To Annihilation
Thrash: Demolition Hammer - Epidemic Of Violence
Brutal Death: Insision - Ikon, Vomit The Soul - Portraits Of Inhuman Abominations
Grindcore: XXX Maniak - Harvesting The Cunt Nectar
Doom: Catacombs - In The Depths Of R'lyeh

For black metal I also recommend Tsjuder - "Desert Northern Hell" but Mayhems' and Darkthrones' albums are classic.
JESUS, how could I forget a must own album that I hold dear to my heart...

Spiral Architect "A Skeptic's Universe"


If you don't own this one get it! I hear they've "somewhat" been working on a new album. I hope I see it in my lifetime!!! These guys are nuts.
MasterOLightning is too cult for shit like Behemoth. It sounds nothing like melodeath, obviously, but he wants to say that because he hates the record.
I don't hate the album; it's merely average. The songs are not particularly interesting or complex in their construction. Most of the songs have clean melodic leads that would be easily accessible. This is why the album is popular. It has melodicism that appeals to lots of people, hence poppy. It's considerably more melodic and simple than Nile, whom Behemoth is frequently compared to. The drumming is very busy with lots of fast blasting, but that is more likely to appeal to people than turn them off. And I said before, the vocals just sound like a crappy attempt to be brutal.
Parkway Drive - Horizons
Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast, Killers
Slayer - Reign in Blood
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales/Emperors Return
Death - Human