Hi, I'm new in the forum, I started a Studio Lab testing gear, plugins, mixings...
I'm also new using Kemper so I tried to make fast little mix trying a 6505 guitar tone closer to Judas Priest Firepower song. I will try to make it better for next mixes. Cheers
Gear: Kemper, Motu interface, ESP Horizon with Seymour Duncan
Mixed on Reaper with Superior Drummer 3 and EZ Bass
I'm also new using Kemper so I tried to make fast little mix trying a 6505 guitar tone closer to Judas Priest Firepower song. I will try to make it better for next mixes. Cheers
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">Gear: Kemper, Motu interface, ESP Horizon with Seymour Duncan
Mixed on Reaper with Superior Drummer 3 and EZ Bass