stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

well.. the people who are controlling it suck. Looking back at our history summerizes the whole thing, I mean, we have been "independent" from France in 1956, we had a good president back then, he changed a lot of things like, he forced education on every individual, free education and so on, he made people LOVE the country even more. He was a smart person and very very modest, the country was heading in the right direction until he got older and then this dude became a president somehow... he also changed a lot of things and made things way better but his family are taking over the country.. they possess the whole country... cock suckers.
No. Just take over the whole country and be the best dictator the world has ever seen. seeing people going in a random direction, frustration, and ignorance, makes me think the only way to get them back on track is a smart dictator. Obliging all the good things on them.. good things to make them better people (work hard, appreciate what their country does for them, respect their culture, history, and the land they are walking) and not the things THEY think are good for them. No democracy for the ignorant min kompis ;)
"In Tunisia, the President is re-elected with enormous majorities every 5-year terms." i wonder who the voters are :erk:
hahaha yeah.. they are either fake votes or people are just hypocrites and cowards here :lol:
"[...]making it one of the rare countries in the Arab world where women enjoy equal rights." oh shit! :lol:
Yeah lol ...
well as a tourist, you won't feel the corruption of course lol. It's a very secure country to be honest. Plus, tourists/immigrants have a very secure life, cause any Tunisian who disturb them will be fucked by the police.
I mean, if you are independent of the political life, you would enjoy life here a lot... great weather, cool places to visit, very friendly people (it's in our nature to welcome guests ;) ), it's cheap comparing to your country :lol: