stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

1.Is there anything more true than demo tapes of Iranian suicidal depressive black metal solo projects?

2.Let F be a commuting family of diagonalizable normal operators on a finite dimensional inner product space V and A0, the self-adjoint algebra generated by F. Let A be the self-adjoint algebra generated by F and the identity operator I. Show that there is at most one root T of A such that r(T) = 0 for all T in A0. (From Hoffman and Kunze, if that help). I tried the normal operator and spectral theory, but I'm a little rusty on my linear algrabra so...

3. By considering the work done to alter adiabatically the length "l" of a plane pendulum, prove by elementary means the adiabatic invariance of "J" for the plane pendulum in the limit of vanishing amplitude. (Goldstein, if that help). Off course I can do it with a PDE, but with elementary means, I have no clue.