stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Just got back from the pub :) I've put some meat and vegetables in the oven so I thought I'd come on here and let you all know about it :lol:
Also, Smee lets have a pic of you and your new haircut :kickass: I'm having mine cut next tuesday :p
It's true, it's not worth it to shave your cranium blanket! I shaved my head totally bald once out of drunkeness, comedy and shock factor. But after everyone had seen the missing hair for the first time of my entire life, I was just an ugly pale bald guy! Took me 3 years to get it back to an acceptably metal length!

Not to mention the ridiculous looking mid-length phase.

Oh also after it grew back in I went from extremely yellow blonde, to dark blonde hair. Oh my!

Summer Breeze, that's an anagram for: REMEMBER ZEUS!

Just because that was worth quoting. Laughed pretty hard at that