stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

How you shooting still, I shot off your hand. Cheater :p

look at my avatar, if you can't recognize me then go and get DOOM3 ASAP!!!! I'm a tough guy :mad:

It was never YOUR cookie. Also, I have balls of steel, your bullets cannot hurt me :)

oh noes, splinter ricochets all over the place, vilewoman and parabellum gets hitted by some on the bewbies... good luck I'm a doctor :)
nom nom nom nom *eats Chamet's cookie*
mmmmmmm soooo goodz!

They really are good :kickass: Too sweet though :lol:

And just to prove that I'm not making up stories about an epic cookie , here's a picture of it :lol:


Enjoy :)