stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Once I feel something similar, I see the light that emanates when a person is soldering iron very closer. It hurt a couple of days like I had a sunburn on the eye but then everything was fine. I hope you heal soon :)

otherwise you see a doctor!
I'm old as well and i just started with the guitar. You should start as well and then maybe you can do some guest violin on desolator records :rofl:

yes :) that's why I want one, i can't wait until 13-2-2012, I like guitar to, you will learn fast :) its different because in guitar you move one string and you make it sound, just like piano. to make a violin string sounds its hard at the begining. so.... when I have 40 I will record something for jew :rofl:
Had an assbag last night shine a laser pointer into my eye at the bar I think bastard gave my eye flash burns. If I could have got over across the dance floor and to him it have been good for him.

What a dick! Hope its not permanent as Jewakim said! feel better.