stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Where do you guys think my nickname comes from. It's a real life nickname from my ex who loves Stewie. And because I am known to say sick and wrong things at wrong moments.

I say, Adam West for president, or should I say Adam WE!
No, things like...calling my ex a pissflap or a meat curtain, really loud in the mall. (I hate shopping!) :)
I'm showing my luv...:heh:
I only hate it because I usually go shopping with my mom, and she always gets pissed off because I don't even enter stores when the stuff in front of the windows doesn't look nice, so as soon as she's pissed off, I get pissed off too and we end up going home with nothing but candy:lol: Or McDonalds milkshakes:oops:
:lol: I hate shopping, I hate malls, just the whole shopping experience pretty much blows. Stupid giggling teenage girls, and teenage boys with their pants around their knees. I wanna pull em down and push onto the escalator :devil:
Why I order my clothes online, or buy my shirts at concerts :D
Shopping can be fun sometimes :p especially when you find stuff that you really like hehe. I don't like shopping online because sometimes it takes ages for the stuff to be delivered. Like, I ordered a Death t-shirt about a week ago and I haven't heard anything from them since :erk:
No way, I'm not going to let them win again:O
Edit: I fink it's cuz I hasn't installed MS Offizze yet.

:lol: That's probably whym because if they're still there, nothing should stop you from opening them.
