stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!


wtf they look like two completely different persons, the eyebrow factor!
I love when people appeal to internet authority, that's such a retarded thing to do. How does it change anything whatsoever? :) Or you want my name? Jepakazol Kang Min
I was reading about that at work yesterday...

Yes because freedom of speech is so horrible that you must shoot at people that talk about it. More religious weak minded bullshit. I don't understand these morons that seem to want to be oppressed and live in a world of fear and intolerance. Who in the hell actually wants to live that kind of existence in mental servitude?? Whatever, at least the idiot is dead although I would rather these types of people suffer more for their actions.
^Preach it, man. I don't get them either, and agreed wholeheartedly. I would much rather see him receive a life sentence... Most fucked up thing is that the police raided a neighborhood and apartment where my brother lived a hundred meters away a year ago. They found explosives and guns there, fakken jihadists
Fanaticism, Fundamentalism, Totalitarianism and Terrorism can be the only end results of monotheistic, semetic religions. They have no place in modern society and brings nothing but weakness, stupidity and sheep-mentality.