stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Well aren't you a mutlitasker. Way to disband the stereotype men can't be :p

lol most men can do more than one thing at the same time, girls just can't see it... a football game on a bar for example, most men are drinking beer, watching the game and making comments about it, all at the same time... other example would be old school masturbation, with one hand you are holding your penis, with the other hand you hold the magazine (old school) and you also turn the page with that one, sometimes, you even have time to read the text on the page (in case there are any).

lol most men can do more than one thing at the same time, girls just can't see it... a football game on a bar for example, most men are drinking beer, watching the game and making comments about it, all at the same time... other example would be old school masturbation, with one hand you are holding your penis, with the other hand you hold the magazine (old school) and you also turn the page with that one, sometimes, you even have time to read the text on the page (in case there are any).


I must give you this one, you are correct sir.
However, never give a man a video game controller, a phone, a hamburger and a beer. You are begging for disaster :loco: