stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Some made in freedom dollar store asian is looking for a polish boy, probablt missing his kielbasa

And I thought i was sad
So, what does everyone think about President Trump? Is America still a laughing stock? LOL
I think the only people left giving a fuck are retarded leftists and far right.

USa still have it better, if Poland was the country watched by everyone instead of USA then oh boy, you would have new shit to laugh at every 6 hours and I mean it literally.
Anybody who thinks this whole migration thing isnt at least a little biot dangerous is delusional and is better of dead for the world.
I'm really fucking fine with tourism or small amount of other ethnicities. It is diverse until this "new" ethnicity starts to blend and breed with "locals". After few generations there will be no diversity, just a mix of fucking everything. I'm hugely against that, i for one truly want diversity. I want to go to a place and see real locals there, not a fucking mish-mash.

I pity Great Britain for example, mainly England. Over 1 million polacks there already. One fucking million. If you go to a random place and shout 'KURWA" and somebody replies then you have a real problem.

Since I went back to college I also have other observations. Those "foreigners" always stick together. I rarely see asian chicks, black guys (yes, i havent seen single asian male or black female here) or kebabs and ukrainians interacting with natives here. I bet they do during lectures, but as soon as they leave the building it's back to their kin. And I mean i obviously understand that, I would do the same, but thats only the proof that people are different, too different sometimes and it takes a fuckload of time to change, if its possible to change.

Dont know why i post it on this thread but fuck it, had to get it out.

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Akshhuli it's a good time to post my new waifu with smug smile while arguing


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