stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Anyone following CS:GO? This chain :lol:

Stopped taking it seriously when they kept adding shitty skins, changing maps and bad teams winning million fucking dollars because of a bug in the game.

Granade on overpass doing no dmg, I still remember. Game deciding round.
Nope. Can't take seriously a FPS competetive game with GLOVES skins and this:

55s never forgetti. 3 rounds lost to a bug is laughable.
Even they were embarassed by the way this game was going and decided to quit the game lowkey pretending to suck. Smart.
Nope. Can't take seriously a FPS competetive game with GLOVES skins and this:

55s never forgetti. 3 rounds lost to a bug is laughable.

There are some weird bugs for sure, but this particular one is because it was sitting on the other side of an object, therefore not hitting the player. But it's a liiiittle bit hyperbolic to say that this single kill lost them a million dollars and also who cares about glove skins? They are no different from knives or weapons etc... Doesn't affect gameplay in any way.

But at least you stay true to yourself buddy! Getting mad about irrelevant things is right up your alley :lol:
I am mad, because I bet a lot on this match.

And then valve banned betting.

And then poland banned betting.

So all those skins I accumulated are now worthless, cant bet, dont care about them and are too lazy to sell them on ebay.

+this bug was pretty relevant for huezillians. Winning an eco round, gaining 3 free rounds is a huge blow to the enemy team and their morale. If not for those 3 rounds polacks would possibly win.

Bonus rant:
At least some guns and knives look cool and other players can see them. Whats the point of glove skins if i cant show off to the enemy and mock them like with my Death by Kitty P90 i called "Weapon to Surpass Metal Gear"?
TIL I learned "gray" is actually US spelling and "grey" is UK. My whole life i thought it was the other way around. Afraid to check "colour" or "neighbour".
Is it racist if I hold my breath walking by a japanese woman in lab coat holding tons of vials? I mean I dont want to be racist towards ching chongs, but also dont want to catch zombie virus.
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