stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Most of the active profiles on this forum are actually aliases created by me. For example, you might be surprised to find out Joakim isn't even a real person, just an elaborate hoax. I found his profile pic on grindr.

Your lives are all A LIE!

You mean to tell me that I'm just your multiaccount and it's you who is a fucking loser?

I needed to compartmentalize my weeabo yearnings, so naturally a Polish troll would be good cover.

Stefan is literally a Russian scam bot that contacted me on MSN Messenger over 10 years ago and I just forwarded all of its messages to this thread. I think it's only using smiley faces to make me give it my credit card number.

Thebassplayer is a real person though. He performs one man shows where he dresses in corpse-paint and yells loudly in front of the elderly at retirement homes, and calls himself Desolator. I let him think Stefan and Joakim are in his band but it's usually just him playing an elastic band by himself. The old people don't seem to mind.
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Something is not right, I had to google this word - "compartmentalize". If I am you and you are me how come I didnt know this word, does it mean I or you came up with it or is it some other trick?

Wait a second.

com has all the answers.

I need to go to sleep.
New bloodbath album coming. Will it suck less or more than GMF? Depends on if Nick is still involved which I assume he is.... Shame

Can I just fucking audition please? Maybe I'm not the best but anyone is better than Nick
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Hai! I got a new name, after 14 years on this forum. :)

Hopefully BB do a less rotten sound this time, Nick can do deeper growls, with the right recording and mixing it can probably be great.
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New bloodbath album coming. Will it duck less or more than GMF? Depends on if Nick is still involved which I assume he is.... Shame

Can I just fucking audition please? Maybe I'm not the best but anyone is better than Nick

This man says the truth. I havent growled for a year now, but just tried and yup, still sound better than him. I want another Bredding Death or Fathomless mastery but...
I remember how much fun I had doing vocal covers of Bloodbath stuff, tried to do something from the newest album, got bored after 1st attempt.

But if new album's gonna suck I'll make vocal covers just out of spite to show anybody can do better job.
I really like him in Paradise Lost, but he fits there. First time I heard Beneathe Broken Earth I just kept thinking how much better he sounded than on GMF. It's not just in execution, the arrangement and mood suits him better as well.

He does not fit Bloodbath at all. He is completely out of his element and he just can't keep up. I can't understand why the guys think he is the man for the job. I don't know if they've just convinced themselves that it's unique and therefore good, or they are too nostalgic about old Paradise Lost and think his voice still holds up. Maybe they are just trolling us all because everyone focused so much on how good the vocals were.

In any case I have much lower expectations this time around. Makes it easier to accept.
I remember how much fun I had doing vocal covers of Bloodbath stuff, tried to do something from the newest album, got bored after 1st attempt.

But if new album's gonna suck I'll make vocal covers just out of spite to show anybody can do better job.

I said the same thing last time. My bandmate Mike and I actually discussed doing a cover and when we were picking a song we realized that neither of us could get into the album enough to be bothered doing a cover.

They are playing a show near me that I can get a Meet and Greet VIP ticket. I should buy one just to growl at them, or convince them to let me do a guest growl during the show. The fans might appreciate hearing at least one song with decent vocals :lol:

Ah I guess I should stop bitching though. Some people seem to like it, and I've still got a few great albums to listen to. I'm starting to sound like the bitchy purists that constantly whine about how their favourite band sold out.
Thing is shitton of things is ruined by fanboys now.

For example Opeth. Akerfeldt could rape a baby and some people would be like "HURR YOU ONLY HATE HIM BECAUSE HE DOESNT GROWL ANYMORE POSER".

And some people just have no taste whatsoever or no music knowledge at all. It's most obvious when you are in comments section of "EPIC DICKSUCKING MARVELOUS *MORE FUCKING WORDS* MUSIC COMPILATION"

Everything sounds literally the same, it's just some music created by people who learned music software but cant compose for shit, just putting random notes here and there, but retards be like OMG SO MANY LAYERS/TRACKS THIS MUST BE A MASTERPIECE I LOVE IT.

No, it sucks, thank you very much, stop ruining music for everybody. It pissed me the most with MGS V soundtrack. Every single installment before had amazing OST, even fucking Metal Gear 2 on MSX (NES era) is still for me the best oldschool gaming music OST.

But nope, letąs ruin everything, hire some random kid to compose music and out of 5 hours he shat there is only one track that has memorable melody / moments. Oh wait, it was done in collaboration with old composer, never fucking mind then.
But retards loved it.

Rant over.

Actually no, fuck that, more rant. That's why I listen to cancer music nowadays or weeb music. Because even though it's extremely simple there is a thought behind it, often just a single melody, but that's at least some effort and not random notes here and there and hoping for the best.
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