stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Død Snø, English title: Dead Snow. And yes, it is coming out internationally.

Hours left before I go to Canada, the second most grim and frostbitten country in the world! :headbang:
this is a fucken joke! I haven't had internet since tuesday and now, exactly when I don't need it anymore, the owner of the house said to me "hey nick, the internet is fixed, you can use it now"... BASTARD!!!! today in the morning was my last chance to do something I was really looking for and now, exactly 2 hours and 10 minutes late, they fix it... now I'm fucken angry! :mad:

ps: I gr00ve! FU! :mad:
looks awesome, how long has the thing been going now?

Eh...a little too long. Started the first sketch in September, but there were long periods of inactivity on it, specifically November and December.

In fact, for awhile there I was only working on it like a couple hours a week because Fallout 3 grabbed me by the nuts. ;)

Now I'm finally cracking down on it.
I could have, and should have, been done already...but that's how it goes.