stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!


Oooo and Belgian chocolates too. Luvs!
Ahh nice. I'd join you but I'm gonna start taking driving lessons soon and I'll need every penny I can get my hands on :p
omgz! I have just weighed myself and I'm in 69 kilos!!!! :erk: I eat like a pork everyday, can't believe I'm that thin :( last time I checked I was in 73! where did those 4 kilos go? oh noes! :(
no, I look the same, as usual, sometimes, I eat like 200 or 250 grams of pasta and I don't even get a belly! I consider myself a thin guy, but now I think I'm reaching the skinny level :erk: gonna eat like a pig on crack once I get to chile... leaving europe in 3 hours btw!