stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!


katie price ftw
Just because I am particularly proud of today's work, here's the current work in progress on my latest:


The Lord of Abominations is HUMWAWA of the South Winds, whose face is a mass of the entrails of the animals and men. His breath is the stench of dung, and has been. HUMWAWA is the Dark Angel of all that is excreted, and of all that sours. And as all things come to the time when they will decay, so also HUMWAWA is the Lord of the Future of all that goes upon the earth, and any man's future years may be seen by gazing into the very face of this Angel, taking care not to breathe the horrid perfume that is the odour of death.

looks good dusty

hey guys, i tried to upload a song into my sound click profile but it wouldn't let me because it said that it didn't except ".cdf" files or something like that. any help?
That looks amazing Dusty, it's very deep, and I love it when artists give a cool explanation about their work.

It's so cool it makes me wanna look at it for long period of time, maybe I'll see the future you're talking about hah.

When I grow big and rich I'll buy your paintings :)