stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

^ Well, give me what you got and I can start getting it into GP format and perhaps tab the rest. Much easier to figure out notes in that program. Just need a starting point.
^ Well, give me what you got and I can start getting it into GP format and perhaps tab the rest. Much easier to figure out notes in that program. Just need a starting point.

It'll take a while, since I've been doing most of the tabbing offline (Have a copy of it on my mobile) and the tabs are on sheets of paper.
med strängar ca 400 tror jag. det är värt det, för jobbet blir ju proffsigt osv. gjort det på förstärkardoktorn de flesta gångerna. bara att säga att du vill justera gitarren till D-stämning inkl. strängar :p