stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Yeah I agree, but not only the weather, beauty and prices are most important, people's mentality, laws, culture, and the things that your government/land afford to you are more important than anything else. Come to Tunisia, it's a great weather here, but ain't south tho :p
Happy new year Sweden.
Btw, was Sweden colonized before? Sorry, We don't study about Scandinavia here,and i can't bother look for it on the net coz my connection sucks right now

Yes we were colonized by great silver back cyclops in 300000000 B.C, when the swedish population turned into vikings however they slaughtered all the cyclops and drunk their blood and used their skulls to make longships.
I don't see the point in people coming here tbh. It's expensive as hell and the "northern" nature is definitely not something at least I find beautiful. Send me somewhere south please :p

want to exchange? This place where i live is cheap as shit and temperature ranges from around 10 to 32 degree C, with virtually the same climate throughout the year... No frostbitteness at all...

PLUS Sweden is at #1 priority in the list of places where i'd like to settle down evertually... Although i kinda narrowed it down to that small island near the bridge that connects denmark and sweden (names too confusing for me to remember... Sorry :p )
I don't see the point in people coming here tbh. It's expensive as hell and the "northern" nature is definitely not something at least I find beautiful. Send me somewhere south please :p

i love swedish nature tbphrotflol. especially during autumn, but then, i listen opeth and i am also very gay.

Yes we were colonized by great silver back cyclops in 300000000 B.C, when the swedish population turned into vikings however they slaughtered all the cyclops and drunk their blood and used their skulls to make longships.

cool didn't know that! is that what you learn studying to become a teacher?