stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

No. Actually I am a Muslim, and if you might have heard, we have Ramdan, we have to fast, and that's what I am doing. Eating after over 12 hours of fasting is the best feeling ever, it's like having sex after 10000 billion years of lust control :p
12 hrs, isn't really all that much if i'm honest. :|

anyways, back on topic :


No not really, actually it's more than 12 hours, I eat the last thing before I go to sleep (although the "deadline" is at 4 am ) which is about midnight, and I spend twelve hours awake. I can sleep or do anything, but i can handle it, although in the last two hours I am quiet weak.. but I savour the food like never before.. It's good for the stomach to rest and teaches me self discipline and how to be patient ;)