stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Your relative's son? Or was it a relative that died?

Yes i know the deal here, but play along, plz.


Guys, my cock died :(

wtf, that was my nephew from outer space

...who died

now i'm going too far
Shapeless, luckily no body died, but yesterday we had guests, and kids were all over the place, and I left this page opened and i was away from the computer, and then suddenly the connection died so i didn't bother to come here again, today wehn i came i found everyone talking about "my son who died" lol ! I asked my siblings this morning if they did it and they said no which is correct i htink coz they were busy with us yesterday, the other alternative is my aunt's kid (who's the only one who speaks English among kids ) is the one who did it.. Sorry for the stupid confusion !!