stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

This is how the first lyrics to Cancer Of The Soul come out after you put it through like 7 languages in a translator and then convert it back to english:

Kill them, the two Must
Top Monges of LOGNES
Burn million for the culprit, they are
Followers not affect war
Added up to a room in RADNEVO is on piles FAITH
Icons shatter with burning holes
Gardiner ground of religion on Role
For cancer the soul

Tada! I prefer to read the words that mysteriously became all caps louder

This is how the first lyrics to Cancer Of The Soul come out after you put it through like 7 languages in a translator and then convert it back to english:

Kill them, the two Must
Top Monges of LOGNES
Burn million for the culprit, they are
Followers not affect war
Added up to a room in RADNEVO is on piles FAITH
Icons shatter with burning holes
Gardiner ground of religion on Role
For cancer the soul

Tada! I prefer to read the words that mysteriously became all caps louder

Fantastic! A new lyric has been born, now if someone would just make a similar translator but for riffs - then we wouldn't need Blakkheim, Renkse, Sodomizer & co. - we'd just make the new albums with teh webz t00l :heh:

oh, sorry. , ,,, , ,,,
Children ov Dodom.

