stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

I've been awake since 4.30 am because of one helluva nasty headache... at 8 am I ran to ICA to buy alvedon and after two pills I'm once again a happy camper :) thank you alvedon, thank you :dopey:
Me and Scav can meet up anytime we want, he lives 45 min away from me and he doesnt even know that hehehehehhehehehehehe :D

I miss Markus :(

ehehehehehe :) where's scav btw?

i miss markus too :( hope he's doing ok!

at the desolator gig there were 2 other guys headbanging only plus me :) swede crowd = fags

yeah, that was a bit gay. at least my parents could've moshed with you a bit, but noooo.

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