Stems/Raws for Mix Practice Thread! - STEMS

I know everyone here seems to have an unhealthy obsession with FOP and Slate samples, so I figured this might help you guys out in your engineering journeys.

These are stems that include well tracked live drums (aside from midi kick), bass DI, guitar DI and re-amped guitar, as well as cleanly edited and tracked vocals. Keep in mind, cymbals and shells were tracked separately.

Here's a reference mix/master: 2.mp3

thanks man!
I did two mixes of the ATB song, one with more louder clean vocals and one with quieter clean vocals. This one has the louder more present clean vocals
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^Try lowering the cymbals and snare room. They´re preeeetty dominating. I´d solo the rhythms and cymbals and set the cymbal levels so that they don´t over-power/"mask" the guitars.

Call me lazy, but I just used the provided drum track haha. But did a silent kick and snare midi track for side chain compression.

Pretty cool mix even if i hate the vocals! The guitars seems a bit muddy and overgained. The snare is annoying aswell, sounds like its ringing like crazy, could be easily fixed with surgical EQ cut.

Any opinions on my remix of Above the Broken? Did this mix from scratch without presets since i got tired of my old drum sound and stuff. Used Steven Slate, shoulder city toms and screaming simple cymbals. It's uber generic but so is also the music ;)
Pretty cool mix even if i hate the vocals! The guitars seems a bit muddy and overgained. The snare is annoying aswell, sounds like its ringing like crazy, could be easily fixed with surgical EQ cut.

Any opinions on my remix of Above the Broken? Did this mix from scratch without presets since i got tired of my old drum sound and stuff. Used Steven Slate, shoulder city toms and screaming simple cymbals. It's uber generic but so is also the music ;)

Thanks! Your mix sounds good =)