Steven Slate samples in blast?


Oct 15, 2007
Hey everybody,

My band is just about to record our debut album and we thought we'd use an electronic set for the drums, then real cymbals for the OH.

My queston is, how does Steven Slates samples sound when being played blastbeats/grind in 250 bpm or so? Does it sound like samples/programmed or does it give you that "real" feeling?

Programming blasts involves a lot more than the sample. If you think a new sample is going to fix robotic blasts, you're going to go through a lot of new samples... somewhere along the lines of every sample ever made. The 'real' feeling will come from having slight deviations in timing and velocity more than the sample. Hell, if that's too much work set your computer up to record MIDI from your computer keyboard and tap shit out live. You can make a Slate sound like shit if you want to... not easily, but it's possible. No drummer hits the snare perfectly on the grid and at the exact same volume every time, so setting up a track like that and expecting it to sound natural isn't very bright... fix that and you'll find that a lot of samples sound 'real' when they're used properly.


Programming blasts involves a lot more than the sample. If you think a new sample is going to fix robotic blasts, you're going to go through a lot of new samples... somewhere along the lines of every sample ever made. The 'real' feeling will come from having slight deviations in timing and velocity more than the sample. Hell, if that's too much work set your computer up to record MIDI from your computer keyboard and tap shit out live. You can make a Slate sound like shit if you want to... not easily, but it's possible. No drummer hits the snare perfectly on the grid and at the exact same volume every time, so setting up a track like that and expecting it to sound natural isn't very bright... fix that and you'll find that a lot of samples sound 'real' when they're used properly.


Yes, I got that :)
The drumming will be done by a real drummer, so velocity and hits aren't an issue. But we've tried stuff like DFH, DFHS and both kinda got that "robotic" feeling. I'll give the Slate's a try!
And be careful with the Slate bassdrums there... most of them are quite punchy and have a shitload of lowend which can muddy things up quite fast when in blastmode and it pumps the compressor, so rolloff a lil on the BD and lower its channel volume on doublebass-attacks, got good results with that...
The samples will be fine. I just did a band with many blast beats and quick kicks.... the band is way more then happy and it sounds powerful.

Now we just have to finish the vokills :lol:
like said previously, for that fast I'd stick an eq low shelf at 150Hz and attenuate about 3-4 db. You'll still get plenty of lows.
When programming blasts, i always switch to a slightly softer hit sample (especially for 'traditional' blasts - as opposed to bomb blasts - i hope i've got that right haha)

as you're not programming you could gog the snare twice...once with loud hits, then again with softer samples - save em as audio files and splice the two together for the blast sections...

there's probably an easier way of getting that effect tho....

and as JB said, just don't edit the drums perfectly into time or anything cus thats what can make things sound robotic with blasts