Originally posted by saturnix
besides which, i don't see how following the teachings of Christ will "hold me back" as the rest of the world moves forward. "God is love", as is written previously on this thread. Christ died for the sins of everybody, homosexuals included. He loves them, which is why I don't find any problems with them as people, nor have I ever. (I live nextdoor to two lesbians, in fact, and they're very nice ladies).
So in fact, I think you are confusing the basic message of the Bible, which is...
1. We sinned, even when God told us not to.
2. If we believe, we are saved, anyway.
Wow. They really got you good man. You are so incredibly hung up on this whole sin/salvation nonsense that you are missing out on life. This stuff about Christ dying for the sins of everyone is just ridiculous. How those nasty romans killed him and then twisted it around to make it seem like a good thing is just plain sick and shows how incredibly gullable people are. I can't believe that you fell for their self-serving rhetoric. Jesus was a JEW and he fought for Jewish rule. Why the hell do you think they totured/killed him? For kicks? Cuz it was god's plan? To save you from hell? heheh. At that time religion = politics. Jesus was a jewish political leader. He fought against the uprising of the new political-religion that evolved into christianity. They used the memory of jesus some 30 years later to form a gov't and take power on a wider scale by creating a more user-friendly religion. If Jesus were alive today he would be absolutely horrified to see how his name has been twisted and used against his own people (the jews). Think about it, he fought and died for his cause and then his murderers (the roman catholics) used his memory for their own political gain. It's just sick and I'm sorry you fell for it. But now that you know this, you really should learn more. Don't take my word for it. Read some history from different places. Get informed. I know in our christian society knowledge is kinda frowned upon but knowledge is freedom. They would like it if you didn't read much and just believed what they told you like a good little christian but you don't have to do that. You have the means to discover different versions of the story. You owe it to yourself to investigate. Maybe it'll scare you at first, but that's good. Positive changes are always scary at first, but I believe in you and I know you can escape this mental cage they've put you in if only you had the courage to trust your own voice of reason and stop suppressing it. You don't need me to tell you religion is a huge sham, you already know this deep in your heart. I know you know what I'm talking about, I've dealt with a lot of hopelessly brainwashed people and self-delusion is always the prevalent characteristic which prevents them from being free from the psychological binds. There is nothing to be afraid of but your own scary thoughts. There's no boogey-man waiting to toture you when you die, come on, you know this already, stop trying to convince yourself of this fairytale, it won't work, you've been trying for a long long time and you aren't any closer to swallowing it. It's just such an incredibly outlandish story which just happens to keep people in line with the ol' punishment/reward system. It's an insult to your intellect. You aren't a child and you deserve better than you've been given.
1. We sinned, even when God told us not to.
2. If we believe, we are saved, anyway.
Seriously man, as one human to another, wake up. This is not healthy. Take your head out of the clouds for a second and wake up to your own subjectivity. This idea of "sin" is just ridiculous, it's completely subjective and relative to the time and society. This whole belief thing, give me a break, as if some omnipotent being is somewhere dwelling on whether or not you have faith in it's existance (without any proof or even a logical basis). Come on, where do you get this air of self-importance from. You are incredibly insignificant in the scale of the universe. The idea that a god would actually care what you think is sillyness. People are so self-absored it's laughable. I don't think you see yourself for who and what you actually are, instead you've deluded yourself into thinking all this nonsensical shit which was planted in you for the purpose of getting you to defeat yourself. That's what religion is and why it was designed in the first place, to structure societies. It's a political TOOL, of which you are, sadly, a victim.
Why do you think they place so much emphasis on faith? Think about it. If it were actually true there would be no question about it and we wouldn't need faith. Why would god hide itself for the most part and sit around hoping the hairless apes on this little planet would acknowledge it's existence? (btw, god is an "it'", not a "he", sex is determined by the genitals of organisms and presumably god wouldn't have a penis cuz it wouldn't have a place to stick it. A penis is an inverted vagina and it evolved in conjuction with the vagina, which is why it looks and feels like a vagina and fits into one so perfectly). Think about it this way. Lets say I was a poltician. I go about saying, "I'm going to fix the roads in this town" and then I start going on about how "you must believe that I'm going to fix the roads, you must believe.." it starts to sound like bullshit. If it were true, if I were actually intending to fix the roads, why would I insist that you believe that I do? Either it's true or it isn't, your belief in it doesn't change it. So that's the big giveaway of religion, they place so much emphasis on how you should "believe" them when in fact if there was any basis, physical, logical, or otherwise for thinking there is any shread of truth involved, then it wouldn't be a matter of "faith" it would be a matter of "accepting reality". But of course, religions aren't about accepting reality. What happened when Galilao discovered that the earth wasn't the center of the universe, or even the solar system? They (the church) called for his execution. Does that sound like they are accepting of reality? Of course not. The idiots that wrote the bible didn't know about the earth being round or dinosaurs and the fact that we are in between ice ages and that most life has been wiped from the earth 2 or 3 times now and it will be again and new life will evolve after that too. They didn't know about evolution, something painfully obvious to us now as we watch harmful strains of virus' and bacteria mutate/evolve and kill people. We aren't so ignorant of such things. We have a much better grasp of reality than they did. We are more evolved than them, just like they are more evolved than the primitive hunter/gatherer societies that came before them. You can keep your head in the sand or you can wake up to reality. Accepting reality is easy, but continuing to delude yourself with outdated nonsense that is laughable by today's standards will get increasingly difficult as you get older. The amount of energy you have to spend coming up with this stuff and suppressing the voice of reason in your head is not healthy. Just let go of it man, the time has come, cease the moment, now is the time to be who you really are. Had they not tinkered with your mind when you were so young you wouldn't have all this intellectual baggage and you would understand that your spirituality is totally within you. Life is beautiful.