
Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
I initiated a trade with SBaker_1976 on the Harmony Central Forums; my ESP M-I NTB for his 2ch Dual Rectifier. He (supposedly) dropped the amp off to be packed and would release it upon receipt of the tracking number from me - I sent the tracking number on May 27th, he said he'd have it released on the 28th. Didn't hear from him again until the June 2nd, where he said his son had to go into the hospital and the amp would be delivered the next day (June 3rd). I e-mailed him on both the 3rd and the 4th to let him know the amp had not arrived and that I needed tracking info, but have not heard back from him.

At this point, I've contacted the Carrizozo local authorities - the address I shipped it to turns out to be the residence of an older man who has lived there 'all is life' and denies knowledge of the package at all, according to the officer who I've been in contact with. Carrizozo, NM is a small village with 750 residents, and nobody the officer had spoken to recognized the name Stephen Baker.

According to his HC profile, he's a "Tech sergeant in the USAF," and works in "logistics" at the White Sands Missile Range. This is not true - they have no record of a Stephen Baker working there

I've called every pawn and music shop in the area and notified them of the theft, and a police report has been with the Carrizozo PD (although at this point it's clear that it's probably not even a resident of Carrizozo).

So, be on the lookout for an ESP M-I NTB serial no SS0709213 that's been routed for a neck pickup, and for SBaker_1976/Stephen Baker/stphnbkr1976@gmail.com

If anyone comes across this on eBay, Craigslist, forums, etc (I'm already monitoring as much as I can), PLEASE contact me - I will offer a reward for information that leads to the retrieval of my guitar!

Pictures of the guitar:

http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v356/DeadSkinSlayer36/Stolen M-I NTB/
Sorry to hear that dude! I have a webcam student in that area and I will shoot him and email to look out for it for you

I'll give him your contact information so he can get in touch with you should anything come up
Atleast if it shows up online it won't be that hard to find. How many M-Is are routed for neck pickups?

Best of luck to you in recovering your gear.
Cheers guys, really appreciate all the help! Was gonna admittedly sell the Recto to treat my room/buy a bass... looks like that'll be on hold for a bit now. :(

Atleast if it shows up online it won't be that hard to find. How many M-Is are routed for neck pickups?

As far as I know, two. Mine, and one that was routed and then painted with a Freddy graphic and had LED's added to the fretboard. :lol:
That sucks dude.
I wish we could all personally hunt this fuck down angry mob justice style and force feed him his reproductive organs.

I hate when shitty things happen to good people.
Really sucks Jeff, I know how you feel.

I was wondering whether you could get the dude's IP from harmony central and use a tracer to get a better idea of the location, probably won't help but it's worth a try.
Really sucks Jeff, I know how you feel.

I was wondering whether you could get the dude's IP from harmony central and use a tracer to get a better idea of the location, probably won't help but it's worth a try.

Doing this right now actually - the officer I've been talking to put in a request to HC to get the IP, and the admin of the HC forums told me they always comply if it's law enforcement that asks.

He used a proxy to hide his IP from the e-mails, but I can't help but think if this asshole is dumb enough to scam someone out of an 800 dollar guitar, he's dumb enough to have slipped up somewhere and I fully intended to find out where that is. Hopefully he logged onto the site without the proxy and only swapped onto it when we shifted from PM to e-mails. He's posted a legit thread asking about AxeFX Standard vs Ultra differences there, so I've got high hopes.

Well, relatively high. This still sucks un-balla powdered scrotum. :lol:
So the guy must have intercepted the package at the older guys door? Crazy shit.

Hope you can track the fucker down, Jeff!