Story Thread

Reverend Bat Boy

Wankers Inc.
This board needs a story thread like the one over at the Sinergy board. The idea is that one person starts a story and tells just a little bit. Then the next person comes along and adds a bit more, and it goes on and on like that. I'll start with one kinda like the premise of the story over on th Sinergy board.

Theres this kid named Bob. He's into nu-metal bands like Slipknot, Linkin Park, and Korn and thinks he's all hard and metal and shit. Then one day at his local record store he finds a Children of Bodom cd and buys it for the hell of it. He's blown away by the sheer godliness of it compared to the crap he used to listen to. Then and there he makes this resolution.... ogre, and his HUGE and HUMONGOUS schlong.
Then he thinks "OMG! :eek:" and asks if he will be like that if he ever turns into a true metalhead.
And the boy "but i dress in black, and i wank in cemeteries!"
Then the ogre shows an evil grin, gets his schlong and...
....sticks it in his ass. Bob realizes that he likes it and convinces himself that by the Ogre fucking him in the ass, he is accepted by metalheads. Since he is a poser and doesn't know anything, he thinks that all metalheads get fucked in the ass by giant-dicked Ogres when they have seen or heard real metal. The Ogre was merely fucking him in the ass because this bitch was a pussy poser and felt like taken some bastard's manhood away from him. A little later another Ogre shows up and....
...who gives the boy new Slipknot, Linkin Park, and Korn CDs and tells him to leave, the boy leaves and starts to liston again those albums and is very happy that he get away from those metalheads with very sick imagination...