Strangest/Scariest Thing Ever Happened Too You

What's the difference between a drummer and a drum machine?
You only have to punch the information into the drum machine once.
I get it from my teachers, who do nothing but make fun of the drummer :p.
THey have to learn piano to be able to do the theory and scales, and usually do terribly :p.

"Drummer have the hardest time with theory, mainly because they arn't used to using real instruments."
Good times!
How the hell does this pic have anything to do with my statement about your threads dying?

This pic is from 2001. I'm 14 there, i'm now 20. There's a reason I posted it, it's fugly and halarious now.

Yes, this is obviously the same person. I like how the face ages, hair grows and color changes. Amazing.

Oh, and why you gotta keep going back to my ugly thread pics? Is that all you got? Yeah, I'm gonna take offense to your comments about pics I already pinpointed as being ugly. I bet you're the kinda kid who walks into a glass door repeatedly til you're knocked unconscious. Only to wake up and bump your poor lil head all over again.

You're pathetic for talking smack on something related to a dead grandparent of someone you don't even know.
I had a crazy dream last night. Last night at one point... a lot of it was like the party we were at ( some friends ) and at one point there was like this giant man ....from, like the people of the 1600's. This giant, good looking with a swastika on his forehead and he was doing a speech like " arrr.... and we will take the car ", and his heart just went boom and exploded out of his chest.
And it scared the shit ouf of me even in the dream and I woke up and I was like, OHHH MY GOD.... !!!! [Withgayvoice]Nasty...[/GAYVOICE]
How the hell does this pic have anything to do with my statement about your threads dying?

This pic is from 2001. I'm 14 there, i'm now 20. There's a reason I posted it, it's fugly and halarious now.

Yes, this is obviously the same person. I like how the face ages, hair grows and color changes. Amazing.

Oh, and why you gotta keep going back to my ugly thread pics? Is that all you got? Yeah, I'm gonna take offense to your comments about pics I already pinpointed as being ugly. I bet you're the kinda kid who walks into a glass door repeatedly til you're knocked unconscious. Only to wake up and bump your poor lil head all over again.

You're pathetic for talking smack on something related to a dead grandparent of someone you don't even know.

1. Calm down.
2. I'm glad to see you washed your face. (The halloween vampire look was fucking bad)
3. I don't care about threads about me dying... they were many and they all had a lot pages. They had a good run.
4. The pic was just a smartass way of getting a rise out of you, so I guess it worked :D
5. If those pics you just posted are supposed to show me that you're not ugly or something then... ionna :erk:.
6. Calm down.
7. Get better insults.
8. I didn't 'talk smack' about your dead grandma... I merely corrected your foolish, foolish mistake (eventhough it made me LOL) and you took offense to it.