Street Team... Post your Pics here.....Posters and Stickers.....


And this is at the record store at the mall:
Sorry the pics are so big, couldnt figure out how to resize them. I hit up the local video rental store, and plastered stickers on various payphones, pop machines, etc. More pics to come(hopefully I'll figure out how to make them smaller.)
Update #2 Suncoast video store Sunrise mall,Massapequa,N.Y That will hang a poster for Anthrax (i'll go back later tonight & check) and gave some stickers,also Tower in Massapequa hung a poster & let me put stickers all over the place. took a photo too of the poster & the stickers. Will post photo's as soon as I get the film developed.
I left a stack of stickers at the Cleveland show last night. They had a table with various bands flyers and stickers. I also gave out a bunch of stickers to fans in the venue, at the bar, and in the parking lot. Man people love those things!
I started with the Tower Records in Lakewood, CA yesterday and put the stickers in section with the free Mags. I also put some GO2E stickers out as well.
monstro said:
wow, great job you guys!!!! :worship:

the promotional stuff...flyers...posters....have you paid that with your money or it was sent by the record company???
Sanctuary has been taking care of that. They have supported the US team 100% for this.
The only cost to us street teamers has been the time it takes to give these promo items to our local CD stores/skate parks/ etc...
:rock: I went to the Anthrax / Judas Priest show in Cincinnati, Ohio sunday nite!!!
What better way to pass out stickers!!
I had bought the tickets BEFORE anthrax was announced as the opener so as you can imagine i :grin: :grin: was so PUMPED!!!!!!
I passed out stickers to people and then I put some on all the merchandise tables. I even had people point me out so people could ask me for the stickers!!! I had also decided to make a SIGN to hold up, Using the posters I was sent. I took a cardboard box, cut it to fit and put a handle to hold it up with. I walked around holding it up for almost a hour BEFORE ANTHRAX started..
I held it up during their set.. at the end of the show they we're thankg everyone for showing up then scott say" This song goes out to the guy who's been holding up our sign All night" :OMG: and then go's I AM THE LAW!!!! :rock: :rock: :rock: and start the song!!!
I was the ONLY person with a sign!!!!! everyone around me congratulated me :worship: and said how cool that was that he mentioned my sign!!!!I have pics that i havent got devloped yet and pics of the stickers at the merchandise tables!!
Who else was there?? They can verify it!!
Mark AKA dudemonster!!!!! :rock: :rock:
You guys rule! Thanks Mark!

thraxx said:
Don't ask what can Anthrax do for you ...
Ask what you can do For Anthrax!!!!!!!!
I remember reading that somewhere...?
Hit up a local comic book store this weekend and Lakewood, CA Tower again - all the stickers were gone from the week b4. Also, put posters up on Telephone poll and put stickers on light poles - All outside of Sav-On Drugs, so folks can shit their pants after they get their Cipro script filled.
I hit up some local shops like 3rd Universe comic books, Coldspring music and of course the Chance Theatre in Poughkeepsie. I must have passed out like 300 plus stickers at the Testament gig ( thanks Ted) ... The metal heads in that place ate those stickers up like crack heads smokin rock. I got a few left and I plan to pass them out a the Sub Zero record release video shoot this Saturday.... That gig is gonna be sick!


Funny Story about the Testament gig. I was hanging out with their merch guy. Really nice fella named Walter... As the crowd is leaving at the end of the show, I see an older lady (mid sixty’s) walking painfully with a cane and her younger child who appeared to have some type of Down syndrome or other disability. What appeared to be her oldest son was trying to help her get down a small section of stairs. I could see they were having a hard time so being that I'm a fairly big guy I offered to assist the oldest son with his mother. The lady was in some serious pain and kept shouting/ crying about how her hip hurt. My guess is she may have had a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis and the slightest wrong movement would put her in agony. A couple of jerk off's were staring some even smirking at this poor women’s dilemma. She noticed these pricks and began to cry. Saying something like “Everyone is staring, oh god this is so embarrassing".. This poor lady was in tears. I'll tell you my heart went out to her. A few years back I lost a friend to that disease and it really pissed me off that these young fuck holes were laughing at this lady. So finally after some difficulty, we get her down the stairs and into a mobility chair. The youngest son stayed right by us and was very concerned for his mother. Now, I don't know the details of the situation but when a sickly mother takes her oldest son ( this kid was 17 / 18 tops) and her youngest son who has problems of his own to a metal show, and both kids are wearing metal shirts and look like they had the time of there lives.. We'll god damn it that’s fucking cool in my book... So I turned to this lady and said "Mam, most of these folks are staring cause there concerned for your well being. The rest of these punks that are making jokes, are just upset that they never had a parent as cool you. Hell not only are you cool in my book but you’re extremely brave." (yeah it sounds cheazy but it worked) ... I then gave the younger kid a stack of Anthrax stickers... This kid’s face lit up like it was Christman. I also gave a few to the older brother and his friend. Both guys seamed pretty happy about it. The women thanked me and said “ Thank you, god bless you”. They headed off to there car and will hopefully have many more good times at metal shows. Me I headed off to beat the shit out of some cunts that like to laugh at other people misery