STREETS Clarification

So let's see, we'll have Jon Oliva playing Believe, which was always got an emotional response out of me, and the song has just grown to have many more layers of meaning after Chriss Oliva died. We'll also have Pain of Salvation playing Trace of Blood, and like others have voiced here, it's a tough song to hear - but one of my favorites on the CD. So maybe we could get Wolverine to come back and play Pulse one more time, like at their acoustic show.

Then everyone could just have one big group hug at the end of the night. :)
As not really a fan of Pain of Salvation from the little bits I've listened to, the fact they're doing a whole album rather than a smattering of songs means I can at least familiarize myself with that album and appreciate their set for what it's worth.

Honestly, Remedy Lane is a straight up masterpiece. Definitely familiarize. In my opinion, it's tied with Hospice by The Antlers as most depressing concept album ever written. Incredibly powerful nonetheless.

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I have teared up many times during the late parts of Streets as well as Remedy Lane. They're gonna have to include little packets of tissues with the sampler bags at the door next year.
I used to tear up listening to Believe.. more so when they mixed it into Alone You Breathe on the Handful of Rain release...

Sammy & Tex, combined with You're Alive, are two of the best songs from Streets for me.. very powerful.
Lets put it his way. I had to move Heaven and Earth to get him to play " Sammy & Tex" live so let's not push our limits further.

"Hey DT, whatcha been up to?
It's been a real long time and your bill's past due..."

Thanks, Glenn - I am in no way complaining!! Sammy and Tex has about 4,278 words in a 2 minute song!!! o_O:zombie::ill: I can understand why Jon was reluctant to sing it live!!

Without trying to kiss your a$$ too much, this has been a fantasy of mine forever!! You have made so many of my musical dreams come true over the last 8 years (I started with PP V), I can never re-pay you - just pay you!! :p

Chris :headbang:
Personally, I've never heard Jon perform the Streets song itself, so I'm stoked for that one! The title track is one of my Sava faves.

I'm sure Jon will do an encore and I'd love for JOP to perform Morphine Child!

Thanks, Glenn - I am in no way complaining!! Sammy and Tex has about 4,278 words in a 2 minute song!!! I can understand why Jon was reluctant to sing it live!! Chris

Jon said that song was never intended to be performed live. I told him he needed to figure out some jazzy, acoustic arrangement to slow that shit down then because we weren't doing "Street: A Rock Opera... Except for the Song Jon Wussed Out On."

Thus, I got the kiss my ass message in the video presentation in return.
I am so excited to hear this played live. I have some trepidation about hearing Criss' solos played live though. No disrespect to Jon's current band, but those solos are so amazing and full of emotion. Not even Alex Skolnick could do them justice, and he is easily one of my favorite guitar players ever. Criss' solos on If I go Away, Ghost in the Ruins and Can you Hear me Now are nothing short of brilliant.

Edit; I know the two disc thing has been shot down. But even if they could somehow remember what those songs were, I thought I remember that most of those songs had been cannibalized for other releases that followed Streets. So it might be a bit anti-climactic, like when Pantera released that unused VDoP song that got reconstituted. The one song that did not make the album, that I cannot believe they did not reuse in TSO or on another Savatage release is Desiree. Honestly, when Zak sings it, it is one of the most beautiful songs ever.

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Jon said that song was never intended to be performed live. I told him he needed to figure out some jazzy, acoustic arrangement to slow that shit down then because we weren't doing "Street: A Rock Opera... Except for the Song Jon Wussed Out On."

Thus, I got the kiss my ass message in the video presentation in return.
I am so excited to hear this played live. I have some trepidation about hearing Criss' solos played live though. No disrespect to Jon's current band, but those solos are so amazing and full of emotion. Not even Alex Skolnick could do them justice, and he is easily one of my favorite guitar players ever. Criss' solos on If I go Away, Ghost in the Ruins and Can you Hear me Now are nothing short of brilliant.

I am hoping that Chris Caffery comes in to help out. I have seen Savatage a number of times with and without Chris Oliva... Chris Caffery is the most respectful and competent when playing Chris Oliva's solos. I say this with all do respect and as Savatage is my favorite band.
Just my three cents....:headbang:
Jon said that song was never intended to be performed live. I told him he needed to figure out some jazzy, acoustic arrangement to slow that shit down then because we weren't doing "Street: A Rock Opera... Except for the Song Jon Wussed Out On."

Thus, I got the kiss my ass message in the video presentation in return.

I am so excited to hear this played live. I have some trepidation about hearing Criss' solos played live though. No disrespect to Jon's current band, but those solos are so amazing and full of emotion. Not even Alex Skolnick could do them justice, and he is easily one of my favorite guitar players ever. Criss' solos on If I go Away, Ghost in the Ruins and Can you Hear me Now are nothing short of brilliant.

That has been the case since Criss (RIP) left Earth for a Better Place. Again, with no disrespect to the current guitar players, the closest thing to Criss was Matt (RIP). The next closest was Chris Caffery, which ain't gonna happen. Never the less - I can't wait to hear this CD played live. I have heard Jon do almost every song (never heard STREETS, You're Alive, Sammie and Tex live), but never together!! I call the last 3 songs the Chill Bump Trilogy!!! Talking about tears!!!

Chris :headbang:
will the performance be as epic as THIS???????????
