STREETS Clarification

Ahhh....I miss those days. I used to love digging through the cutout bins...I would almost always find a gem or two doing that.

Oh totally!
And it wasn't a dis at all to either band.
Just saying, while they sold respectable amounts, it was nothing close enough to their mainstream labelmates, landing them in the cutout bin!!!

Speaking of Savatage, the local grocery store by me for years had a cassette cutout copy of STREETS. Eventually they just got rid of all their cassettes. In hindsight, for giggles, I should have bought it.

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What a fascinating read this thread is...just saw it today.

A few insights about next years show.

1. There are 2 songs from the original Streets cd that Oliva says have never been performed live.
2. Since we are "just playing for pizza dough" we cannot divulge who might be willing to play for
balls of gluten enriched play dough. Oh, how the music biz has changed.
3. Due to Glenn's extreme demands we had no choice but to lamb-baste him in a video...and we know
that he enjoyed it "just the same". How do we know that?...we are still on the ticket for 2014
4. It took quite the effort for us to get our VIP- double-secret PP security clearance so all details are secured.
5. Surprises and overall good fun make up the PP experience...feel free to offer your ideas.


One of my favorite things about the Chicago gang being on the ProgPower forum (esp. Jason and Bob), is that they're not "one of us". However, yeah, the When the Crowds Are Gone thing is a part of the canon that I thought most people knew at this point.

On topic: I know that because of politics and stuff it's JOP and not Savatage playing....but, will it only be Savatage material played at their performance?

Hold the phone, there, buddy! Does that mean I'm lumped in with the likes of Jason and Bob? I won't have it! *gets in car to attend band practice with Jason*

Wow, I really must have wanted to make a point if my techno-phobic ass actually used the "quote" button!

Anywho, I'm stoked to see the "Streets" set. Oliva is a class act, and I expect that he and his band will give the fans their absolute best.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Hold the phone, there, buddy! Does that mean I'm lumped in with the likes of Jason and Bob? I won't have it! *gets in car to attend band practice with Jason*


Not really an idea but a question.

Any chance any of the original versions of the songs will be performed?
(ie. the demo / original "streets")