STREETS Clarification

I am so excited to hear this played live. I have some trepidation about hearing Criss' solos played live though. No disrespect to Jon's current band, but those solos are so amazing and full of emotion. Not even Alex Skolnick could do them justice, and he is easily one of my favorite guitar players ever. Criss' solos on If I go Away, Ghost in the Ruins and Can you Hear me Now are nothing short of brilliant.

I had trepidaion about hearing the Criss solo's myself, but Matt LaPorte was Criss' channeled. He was so dead on with the emotion that it brought tears to my eyes. RIP Matt & Criss, you guys rock!:worship:

On the same subject, Alex Skolnick did not fit the Sava Style. I saw the 1st show following Criss' death, and I thought he was very rude. He noodled when Jon or Zakk was talking/introducing songs etc..., and when Jon made his 1st tribute to his deceased brother, Alex was in the corner making sqeals and pinched harmonics, being guitar god at the most in-opportune time ever! I never forgave him for that, whether it was an oops or not.

Just my take
This is probably why you agreed to room with me: 3 roommates in 1!

Think about it:

The doc
The prog fan
The tennis player
The fitness freak with the huge tub of protein
The football fan
The Tunisian chauffeur/tour guide
The "dumb southerner" (it's an inside joke, people)
The Gin'n'Juice fan, rap fan..

It's like 8 in1 .
Anybody know why Skolnick didn't last with Savatage longer ?
Did he leave or was he fired ?

He left on his own. He said in an interview in the late 90s that he felt like a hired gun, since he wasn't involved any of the writing, and he wasn't made a permanent member.

Plus, apparently him living in California and the rest of Savatage being in Tampa was too much of a pain, and he had no interest in moving.
He left on his own. He said in an interview in the late 90s that he felt like a hired gun, since he wasn't involved any of the writing, and he wasn't made a permanent member.

Everyone in the band at that point was essentially a hired gun.

I think Jon played everything on the recording, aside from vox of course.
Right, but Middleton and Stevens were actual members of Savatage.. Apparently Skolnick was getting paid a salary. He mentioned that there were plans to bring him into the band as a full member, but he didn't stick around long enough for that to happen.

I believe that Skolnick recorded some of the solos on Handful of Rain, did he not? I saw him on the Handful of Rain tour, which was mostly HOF and EOT material, and he was amazing. Its a shame he didn't stick around..
Think about it:

The doc
The prog fan
The tennis player
The fitness freak with the huge tub of protein
The football fan
The Tunisian chauffeur/tour guide
The "dumb southerner" (it's an inside joke, people)
The Gin'n'Juice fan, rap fan..

It's like 8 in1 .

Dang, I'm more messed up than I thought.
Right, but Middleton and Stevens were actual members of Savatage..

Ha, well, yeah, yes they were.
But to me if you didn't write or record released material, at that point, are you a "member" or a hired gun? Sorry, not trying to be cynical, as I am a big fan of Middleton.

I didn't see them, but the Japan live 94 disc shows how well that lineup worked together in a live setting. I am sure it was a good show!
It was a great show.. One of my top 10 shows of all time.

I always figured that Jon kept such a tight control on the sound with HOR because of a reluctance to let the sound change after Criss' passing, which may be why he and O'Neill did all of the recording sans solos and vocals.. I can't imagine how hard that was.
Ha, well, yeah, yes they were.
But to me if you didn't write or record released material, at that point, are you a "member" or a hired gun? Sorry, not trying to be cynical, as I am a big fan of Middleton.

I didn't see them, but the Japan live 94 disc shows how well that lineup worked together in a live setting. I am sure it was a good show!

I highly recommend Alex Skolnick's book, where he tells how a famous producer makes live albums. (Without naming him, of course).
Btw, Alex's writing skills are just as awesome as his guitar skills.
Whomever complained about Alex's lack of respect for Criss, should also read this book. True, he did not sound like Criss at all, but at least he had lots of respect for him. Someone who was brought into Savatage later clearly hadn't...

On the topic of who channeled Criss Oliva better, Matt sure did a great job, just like Caffery. But the best I have heard so far was in fact Andy Lee, who used to play with Circle II Circle. But of course, this is not a fact, but a matter of taste...

Sammy And Tex was performed live every night on the Streets tour, btw.

Looking forward to 2014 :)
Clay pointed that out to me as well. Thus, it appears that tune just isn't something he looked forward to doing when the idea was first presented to him this time around.

Well, you need a rapid tongue. I am sure Dee Snider would have nailed it ;-)
I highly recommend Alex Skolnick's book, where he tells how a famous producer makes live albums. (Without naming him, of course).
Btw, Alex's writing skills are just as awesome as his guitar skills.
Whomever complained about Alex's lack of respect for Criss, should also read this book. True, he did not sound like Criss at all, but at least he had lots of respect for him. Someone who was brought into Savatage later clearly hadn't...

On the topic of who channeled Criss Oliva better, Matt sure did a great job, just like Caffery. But the best I have heard so far was in fact Andy Lee, who used to play with Circle II Circle. But of course, this is not a fact, but a matter of taste...

Sammy And Tex was performed live every night on the Streets tour, btw.

Looking forward to 2014 :)

Skolnick has always seemed to be a real stand up dude.
Yeah, I don't doubt that there is some studio magic on the live Japan disc. Still one of my all time favorite live discs, regardless. The setlist flows really well.

I thought it was Jack Frost who best channeled Oliva????? :Spin: