Stride looking for singer!!

Throat For Stride said:
Well this thread comes as quite a surprise. I guess Mike deemed it neccesary to go public before talking with me.

Just to clear the air, we parted way's because of my family, and also because of creative issues. As far as who would replace me, I don't know, but obviously there are quite a few people already in contact with the band, (another thing I didn't know about).

Thanks to Rocky Racoon and others for the wonderful comments.

I had a great time with those of you at Prog Power and I wish the best for all of you.

Gary Belin
Formally of Stride

Gary, for whatever it's worth, I enjoyed your vocal performance at ProgPower. I'm sure you won't have any problems landing gigs in the future! :rock:
Thanks for all the kudo's guys (well except for Fates Fan ha, ha).

I'm where I'm supposed to be right now, and that's focusing on what's most important, my kids.

My departure from Stride has been coming for a while so it's not news to the band. I simply wanted different things than the rest of the guys, both in business and creativity. That's not a slam on them at all as I respect Stride immensly. We simply wanted different things.

That being said, I'm really going to focus on recording, recording, recording. I've got one label already interested in signing a deal but I've first got some work to do. I've got a local guy in Houston who is a fantastic guitar player/writer that also happens to have one of the best voices you'll ever hear (Tommy Shaw like). He's been selling his songs for a while now in Nashville and is a great talent.

Anyway, I'm going to focus a little more on a straight ahead rock/metal sound in hopes of having a little more crossover potential.

Finally, the guys in Stride have worked very, very hard to get where they are, and they deserve all of your respect whether your into the music or not. I've known Joel and Matt for 13 years, and I can say they have worked tirelessly to perfect there craft, plus they happen to be very standup guys.

Is there bad blood in the band? Interesting question.:ill: I will say that I am very surprised by the timing of this thread. I had no idea this was being posted as none of us had finalized anything. To say I was taken aback would be an understatement.

Thanks to all of you for your support.

Gary Belin
Formally of Stride
Average age for a metal band to keep its same lineup. 6 months. Percent of time that the same band on tour has all the members that created the album they are supporting... 40%.

*My numbers have no scientific backing...
Throat For Stride said:
Thanks for all the kudo's guys (well except for Fates Fan ha, ha).

Gary Belin
Formally of Stride

Hey Gary,

The omg thing was not about you. Edge of thorns said that Oliver Hartman was as good as Allen and Lande.

This is what he said: Guys, does Lance really need another project? Come on!

If I had a band, I'd pursue the hell out of Oliver Hartman (ex-At Vance)! Oliver has a killer, killer voice with a great range. IMO, he's every bit as good as the mighty Russell Allen and Jorn Lande!

Just wanted you to know that I was not disrespecting you bro.
I don't know how busy Zak Stevens is with Circle II Circle. But damn... I think that would be perfect if he could be Stride's lead singer. Just my opinion though.
I too am VERY disappointed to hear that Gary has left STRIDE. Their album was stellar and I was moved by the vocals. Seeing his reasons make it very clear that both for family and musical direction, he needed to move on. I look forward to anything he does in the future even if it is less progressive than STRIDE.

Now, as to who could fill the role, I think stylistically, they should have a similar singer. The John West suggestion made earlier in this thread is a good one and I would think Lance King, DC Cooper or David Readman would all work. The singer who left Balance of Power a few months ago (can't recall his name) would also fit.

I just hope this happens soon and they can maintain their momentum.
Unless, Oliver Hartmann does the MASTERPLAN gig which i think is the best for him and the band, then the best choice has to be John West. His new cd just hit the streets and guys and gals, IT IS FRIGGING AWESOME.
Throat For Stride said:
Is there bad blood in the band? Interesting question.:ill: I will say that I am very surprised by the timing of this thread. I had no idea this was being posted as none of us had finalized anything. To say I was taken aback would be an understatement.

Thanks to all of you for your support.

Gary Belin
Formally of Stride

That's kind of a touchy subject. And I'd be pissed at first, as well. BUT... I've always felt, that if I were to leave a band, or if a member wanted to leave my band, that if they really were serious, then don't gother sugar-coating things. Be straight up, be honest, and say so to the rest of the band. Yes, it's gonna be awkward NO MATTER WHAT. But I do see a validity in being dead honest, even to a fault, when it comes to this topic. It has a lot to do with plans, directions, gigs, recording, songwriting... etc. Perhaps they were a bit quick to announce things publicly. But then again, I can see why. They've got a lot of fans here, and a lot of push and exposure after the Bon Jovi gigs. So if there's a singer out there, why not try to find him ASAP? Opportunities can be missed. I won't kid around about that. If someone would have been available a month ago, hell, even a week ago, and you waited just a bit too long to make changes happen, wouldn't you be seething with regret?

I sincerely hope, Gary, that you see this aspect of it all, and don't hate them for too long! Just see it from this point of view, and know that if it's inevitable, then don't try to drag it out just cuz you're feeling uncomfortable about it. Be honest, and it'll be the most honorable thing to do.
Bryan316 said:
That's kind of a touchy subject. And I'd be pissed at first, as well. BUT... I've always felt, that if I were to leave a band, or if a member wanted to leave my band, that if they really were serious, then don't gother sugar-coating things. Be straight up, be honest, and say so to the rest of the band. Yes, it's gonna be awkward NO MATTER WHAT. But I do see a validity in being dead honest, even to a fault, when it comes to this topic. It has a lot to do with plans, directions, gigs, recording, songwriting... etc. Perhaps they were a bit quick to announce things publicly. But then again, I can see why. They've got a lot of fans here, and a lot of push and exposure after the Bon Jovi gigs. So if there's a singer out there, why not try to find him ASAP? Opportunities can be missed. I won't kid around about that. If someone would have been available a month ago, hell, even a week ago, and you waited just a bit too long to make changes happen, wouldn't you be seething with regret?

I sincerely hope, Gary, that you see this aspect of it all, and don't hate them for too long! Just see it from this point of view, and know that if it's inevitable, then don't try to drag it out just cuz you're feeling uncomfortable about it. Be honest, and it'll be the most honorable thing to do.

It doesn't have to be awkward... When I left Division, I felt like my life was in a downward spiral, I couldn't give them the 100% that they needed from every member. I told them how I was feeling and that I was out. There were no hard feelings, granted Mike, Matt and i had been friends for years prior to the band.

It's never been an awkward situation.. Mike, Matt and I are still close friends and we still are intouch constantly. There is a case of "if I knew then, what I know now" meaning that if I'd known how things were going to turn out I might not have left, but that old history. Nick's a great vocalist and their on an upward turn again, I wouldn't want it any other way.
Cheiron said:
I don't know how busy Zak Stevens is with Circle II Circle. But damn... I think that would be perfect if he could be Stride's lead singer. Just my opinion though.

I'd put this suggestion with the Urban ones (love his singing and love him as a person) Zak is amazing as a vocalist, but way wrong style for Stride.
Bryan316 said:
That's kind of a touchy subject. And I'd be pissed at first, as well. BUT... I've always felt, that if I were to leave a band, or if a member wanted to leave my band, that if they really were serious, then don't gother sugar-coating things. Be straight up, be honest, and say so to the rest of the band. Yes, it's gonna be awkward NO MATTER WHAT. But I do see a validity in being dead honest, even to a fault, when it comes to this topic. It has a lot to do with plans, directions, gigs, recording, songwriting... etc. Perhaps they were a bit quick to announce things publicly. But then again, I can see why. They've got a lot of fans here, and a lot of push and exposure after the Bon Jovi gigs. So if there's a singer out there, why not try to find him ASAP? Opportunities can be missed. I won't kid around about that. If someone would have been available a month ago, hell, even a week ago, and you waited just a bit too long to make changes happen, wouldn't you be seething with regret?

I sincerely hope, Gary, that you see this aspect of it all, and don't hate them for too long! Just see it from this point of view, and know that if it's inevitable, then don't try to drag it out just cuz you're feeling uncomfortable about it. Be honest, and it'll be the most honorable thing to do.

Wow! I think you missed your calling as the band shrink.:lol:

Seriously, who said I hated Stride? Those guys are like my brothers, I don't hate them and never alluded to that.

Secondly, I didn't know I was not being honest. If your refering to my "interesting question" remark, I felt that any statement I made was the bands business, and no one elses until we ironed things out. In other words, I didn't find it approprate to start making statements in that regard until I knew exactly what was going on. Cetainly you can understand that.

The situation between me and the guys is fine and we're on solid ground. The chances are also good that we will work together again. The reasons for the split have already been outlined previously in this thread, so I don't need to rehash that.

This was a big misunderstanding that doesn't need a whole lot of advice at this point, but thanks anyway.

Gary Belin
Sweet. It's all clear, and there's no hidden animosity or jealousy. That's what I wanted to hear.

Well I do hope that family requirements can be fulfilled, while finding the part-time opportunities to form a band that you can fit in, AND satisfy you musically. Even if you only get a gig once a month locally, sometimes, that's hella satisfying as well.