So I'm buying a house this winter and I'm planning to renovate the basement into my studio. I want to buy a studio kit because we all know what the ratio of drummers with good gear to the ratio with bad gear is, and I've always wanted a drum set because I've always loved playing, but never lived anywhere where I could play.
I was looking at a 6 piece Pearl Reference kit, and I'm willing to drop that sort of cash, but is it really necessary? What do you guys think about the high end kits from other companies and how do they compare price wise? Was also considering a Starclassic kit (should I get maple or bubinga?), the Sonor Delite series, and the Yamaha Maple Customs/Oak Customs/Recording Customs...
I really don't know much about the different lines offered by all the drum companies or what woods I should be looking at, so any help is appreciated! As I said, I don't mind dropping the $4500 for a 6 piece Reference kit (looking at getting something with 10" 12" 14" and 16" toms and a 22" kick) but if I could get a fantastic sounding 6 piece for closer to $3k that would be nice
I was looking at a 6 piece Pearl Reference kit, and I'm willing to drop that sort of cash, but is it really necessary? What do you guys think about the high end kits from other companies and how do they compare price wise? Was also considering a Starclassic kit (should I get maple or bubinga?), the Sonor Delite series, and the Yamaha Maple Customs/Oak Customs/Recording Customs...
I really don't know much about the different lines offered by all the drum companies or what woods I should be looking at, so any help is appreciated! As I said, I don't mind dropping the $4500 for a 6 piece Reference kit (looking at getting something with 10" 12" 14" and 16" toms and a 22" kick) but if I could get a fantastic sounding 6 piece for closer to $3k that would be nice