
Martriden K
Jan 8, 2004
Spokane WA.
We're leaving for Denver to record a full length album with Dave Otero tomorrow. Spending the first 4 or 5 days rehearsing all our songs and ideas with our newly recruited drummer, Jeremy Portz. And then begin tracking drums on Monday or Tuesday.

I'll type our progress in this thread each week. Hopefully we'll have some video to go along with it. (if we find a battery charger for this camera). :kickass:
Very nice, can't wait to hear the finished product. The EP kicked an ungodly amount of ass, I have no doubt in my mind the album will be just as good, if not better.
Pics and videos would be great! With that being said, good luck recording and have fun. Looking forward to the finished product, which I better receive earlier than anyone else. :D
Yes well, we're working on uploading a snippet of the drum recording. Dave will be mixing the drums for hte next couple of days while Shane and Will prepare to record guitars. Jeremy Portz recorded the drum tracks and the overall sound will blow you away. much improved from last year. He is an absolutely incredible player and some of the playing he did was just astounding. We're very excited at this point.

Drums used were a Yamaha Oak set. with double 18 inch kick bass. I'm not sure what size the snare and toms were. Kicks were triggered the rest of the set was mic'd.

on another note, went to the Summer Slaughter tour show with NEcrophagist and Decapitated headlining in Denver...was hoping to see Arsis but they canceled for unknown reasons to us. would've been nice to see them. But it was a good time. hopefully more tours like this one start springing up. Seemed to have a pretty good turn out from what I could tell.
Sounds good, by the way do you remember the setlists for Necrophagist/Cephalic Carnage/Decapitated/Cattle Decapitation (just wanted to know since I'm going to that show in a few days)
As promised heres a quick recap of the highlights from drum tracking this week. Jeremy did a jawdropping job with these tracks, they are going to destroy! :headbang: Enjoy! :kickass:

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quick question, what is triggering the bass drum? I've heard that term used but i never figured out what it was.
ps - cool video but that ride cymbol needs serious eqing, flat it sounds like a toy
I don't know any of the technical terms, but triggering a drum is when you attach an apparatus to the rim of a drum that can sense when the drum has been hit, (triggered) then the apparatus sends out an electrical impulse through an XLR cable or the like to your recording station/mixing board. This allows for precice timing of drums. It's also common to replace the sound with a sample sound. I assume that this helps to create a uniform sound throughout a track/album. Hope this helped. :headbang:
Hey guys, little update here. We've been tracking guitars for about 2 weeks. Just finished bass today and about half done with keyboards. We're pretty pleased with how things sound right now. HOpefully we'll get some footage up for you this weekend. Vocals start monday. And then we'll make an announcement on the track titles and album title next week.

some other cool news too but i'll wait until later to make any official announcements. :headbang:
welp, sorry for the lapse in updates. We're in the mixing stage now, currently re-amping. I'll have a list of gear used in the recording here shortly. apologies for not getting any video footage up. Just haven't had time to finalize discs and upload...etc. Things are sounding amazing though, from drums all the way to vocals and keys. much improved from the EP, and that's a fact.