Stuff my mom says while heavily medicated

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
This thread will be updated periodically

Date: Wed. Dec 5, 2007
Time: 9:01am - "I can't believe how slow everyone is."
Explanation: She was sitting at her computer and she randomly said it... for no reason. She didn't even know why she said it.
I was drinking white wine and eating ramen one night while playing TF2, when suddenly Chuck Norris came and shat a river onto my cell phone.
Then Gandalf The Pimp and Gandalf the Ho
Matt Damon and the guys from Mr. Show
And Benito Mussolini and his big weenie
And Tony Curtis in a pink bikini
Robocop, The Terminator, William Shatner, Ralph Nader
Lo Pan, Peter Pan, every male Power Ranger
Keanu Reeves and Bill S. Preston,
Spock, The Rock, and Charlton Heston
Came outta nowhere lightning-fast
And they all fucked Norris in his cowboy ass
It was the greatest bukkake that the world ever saw
Making Japanese men stare in total awe
i can't wait for her to be my mother-in-law...


OMG! will, both of our moms would be sitting around and your mom would say something about her painkillers and then my mom would start talking about how bad drugs are and then ask her if she goes to church. you know it'll happen...
Well... they think it's funny because it IS! Yes, my mom takes alot of meds that mess with her, but to pretend that the stuff she says isn't funny is just lying to yourself.
NoLordy's ninjas grow more shameless every day!
they're only carrying out the desires he's too scared to acknowledge...
don't you lie. if you two would just accept your feelings for one another, you could put an end to all of this hurt!

You do know I have hired contracts for most of this shit right? They took the floss becuase it was spun gold.

I only like him because of his ninjas.
And they like you too. I'm sure or two of the EXTREMELY sexually deviant ones are watching you masturbate.