Stuff my mom says while heavily medicated

That was 4 years ago. I may be paranoid and irritable, but that doesn't mean I'm at that level.

Someone made a hick joke, so I followed up on it.

>>>>Perhaps when your made fun of around here, ill follow up.

What I'm saying isn't hurting anyone. It's funny.

>>>>Ok, you think its funny

I can poke fun at things, but you can? Give me a break.

>>>>Im sure you ment, make fun all you want. As i said, i was suprised at the fact you were/are making fun of your own mother. Around here poking jokes is about all we have to do anyway.

And yes. You are a redneck hick, but I still love you anyway.

>>>I never said i didnt like you Will. Should i call you 'a little urban nerd pussy'? No, i shouldnt, thats why i havent. I just remember this guy who had/has really great parents, who showered him with pretty much anything he wanted. Took care of him, got him suites that were really cool, really nice guitars etc....then i find this guy making fun of his own mother.....i was suprised. I suppose i shouldnt have been suprised that others here thought/think its funny, thats my bad....i should have known better on that account. Continue making fun of your mom, thats your choice, not mine...i will not be suprised by your actions again.

have good one.
I'm grateful for everything my parents do for me. Go right ahead and follow up with insults when I'm made fun of. I don't really care. lol

im giving up. Your not getting the point. You seem to think im threatening you with insults. If you want, care, whatever, re-read my reply up there, maybe youll get it. If not thats ok. I dont really care. lol

you used to get me, you dont anymore.
No, I don't think you're making fun of me. I just said that you CAN if you wanted to. I get your posts. I just think that since you know absolutely nothing about my family and what we find humorous, you shouldn't judge until you find out.
