surely, for "printing" in cubase, you just hit the little freeze button in the VST instruments thing?
does an offline mix down, and transparently puts the frozen files in the mix for you!
what's wrong with solo'ing in cubase? haha
as for me..
*you can do a HELL of a lot with a single '57/'58 and a 2 in 2 out interface, get these, then get nicer stuff later!!
*everyone has their way of doing things. everyone thinks there way is the best. the honest answer is, it doesn't matter. to truely learn something from someone, you need to understand what it is they're doing then be able to apply it with your own style. copy paste gets you no where.
*recording/mixing/editing/mastering is 25% technique 25% effort, and 50% ear, so 2 things, listen, and try and understand what's going on in recordings you want to imitate (imitation is the highest form of flattery, and all), and mix at low volumes, you want to keep your hearing
i think that's all.