Stupid Metal Triva....

You haven't join my group have ya?

For other people ( 128 members including me ) I have to talk about the bands I don't like ie. Yngwie Malmsteen, Dimmu Borgir, Nightwish, Stratovarius fag shit like that.

If you know Bob why didn't you tell him not to use Steve Morse on his latest record? I don't like Steve Morse's playing style. It's not heavy enough. It's like Bob and Deep Purple. I didn't like Mother's Army either. It's too bluesy and I hate that Joe Lynn Turner. This guy fucked up Rainbow, Yngwie Malmsteen and Deep Purple.

He told me to read that psycho - David Icke's book.
I know he's buddhist and spiritual and that...

That's how my mum and my father met your uncle. Religion. I have no faith what so ever because religeon is bull shit trust in poor imagination.

He saw me when I was 0 to 1 years old. And now cos of his web site I get to contact him thru God bless the INTERNET. ( American Pie )

I'm a fan of most bands that Bob was in. He had great career with Say Rainbow, Ozzy and Gary Moore. My first ever gig was Gary Moore Wild Frontier tour 1987 in Toyko Japan. I wish Gary Moore does heavy shit again but I doubt it.

Anyways England for the rugby world cup. No doubt.

god_king said:
You haven't join my group have ya?

For other people ( 128 members including me ) I have to talk about the bands I don't like ie. Yngwie Malmsteen, Dimmu Borgir, Nightwish, Stratovarius fag shit like that.

If you know Bob why didn't you tell him not to use Steve Morse on his latest record? I don't like Steve Morse's playing style. It's not heavy enough. It's like Bob and Deep Purple. I didn't like Mother's Army either. It's too bluesy and I hate that Joe Lynn Turner. This guy fucked up Rainbow, Yngwie Malmsteen and Deep Purple.

He told me to read that psycho - David Icke's book.
I know he's buddhist and spiritual and that...

That's how my mum and my father met your uncle. Religion. I have no faith what so ever because religeon is bull shit trust in poor imagination.

He saw me when I was 0 to 1 years old. And now cos of his web site I get to contact him thru God bless the INTERNET. ( American Pie )

I'm a fan of most bands that Bob was in. He had great career with Say Rainbow, Ozzy and Gary Moore. My first ever gig was Gary Moore Wild Frontier tour 1987 in Toyko Japan. I wish Gary Moore does heavy shit again but I doubt it.

Anyways England for the rugby world cup. No doubt.


Hey there, the thing of Bob being my uncle? Well, if you haven't yet figured it out is complete bullshit. I was just jerking you around. I did however, get a chance to check out your group. I could not get signed up. Did you bar me from the site? And why Yahoo? I don't like their set up for their groups... Is this one of those groups where you have to send invites to people? Gary Moore. I don't understand why this guy has to always claim he's a "blues palyer." He is not in my opinion. He's blues "influenced" nothing more. The only caucasian male that has had the blues sound & the soul has been Stevie Ray Vaughan... Now that was "blues." Even Jimi Hendrix wasn't a blues player...
Later God King.
Hahaha sickswine! you are such a funny guy.

I couldn't stop laughing after reading your comments.

Man I've been conned!

l8r dude.

Of course I didn't banned you how could I.

Yeah I know yahoo! is shit but I've been a yahoo! chat room regular for almost 3 years and I can add my jpeg pictures, mpeg ( movies all taken by me likes of Thin Lizzy, Nightwish, Saxon, Blaze bloody blah blah. ) There's my number 1 metal favorite band Marshall Law's mp3, Impellitteri mp3, Animetal mp3 and Grave Digger mp3.

I always try and up dated every day as now I'm called Internet freak etc. Geek. Nerd.

I'm not bright enough to figure out to use dreamweaver and flash softwear.

I'm going to see Helloween next monday so there'll be live gig pics and mpeg video.
You know what I think you are too busy masturbating looking at picture of Angela Gossaw... sour dick?

Be frank... this forums and whole format forum it self really sucks ( Not just other forum I registered with I had no problem with SPV one though. Their moderator Hänsel is nice guy ). My yahoo! group is much better.

I started off from sending messages on bloodstock ( limey version of progpower esque event ) and all these assholes suggesting cheapest disgusting filthy gay shit cunt bands that I really hate and organiser seems to take these bands to their account. If that's the case than I'm not going to that shitstock.

Now people on that forum completely ignore me. And they slagged off my favorite band that they never even heard of. ( It is fair cos I called them fucking gays - this is true that they are gay - ). Which is fine by me cos I don't care. I was offended that I was called all these shit from some cunt joined the UM forum after me.

I am arrogant but I'm definitly not elitist. I do not want to keep my opinions to myself. I am too honest so I say my opinions ie Iced Earth ( I bought Dark Genesis because people pushed me. It sounds like poorman's early Metallica. ). When I'm joking people take things so fucking seriously as if their life is depending on it - please be PRAGMATIC - ( fucking mad or are they fucking spastic? ).

This is also the case in real life. But I'm generally polite, nice and kind all round when I'm in fine mood.

Why does people like Johnny D take heavy metal music as their lives? I'm obsessive but not that much.

Anyways I don't give a flying fuck about Gary Moore's a blues man or not. You've forgot to mention white blues guitarist from Ireland - Rory Gallagher.

Gary Moore is or was ( definitely in the 80's - Yngwie Jack Ass Malmsteen? He is just poormans Blackmore clone! Fucking gay shit like Vai and Satriani is not worthy of having title guitar hero. ) super guitar hero, in my book he is the best in the world so versatile, melodic and he has fantastic soulful vocals. His song writing and music compositions are exellent or rather outstanding.

I am 24 going 25. No matter what I believe old skool is band before 1985. Rest doing similar thing is just retro or immitating their own heroes. supports underground metal this is fucking bulshit statement. Why doesn't no body talks about Burzum ( neo nazi fuckers ), Iron Saviour ( I don't like this band ), and my favorite band Marshall Law etc.

have a nice day you bastards. I've had enough.
god_king said:
. I was offended that I was called all these shit from some cunt joined the UM forum after me.

Why does people like Johnny D take heavy metal music as their lives? I'm obsessive but not that much.

have a nice day you bastards. I've had enough.

The cunt in which you speak is my Fiance and she has been a member since Last year she made a new name :p I would Prefere it if you refrained from the cunt remarks

Why do I take metal so seriously Because it has always been the only constant in my life Metal never lets me down and it always makes me feel better with out metal I may have givin up and died years ago But I didnt because of the powerful message to survive that metal supplied for me it is what I live for and what I stand for and if you dont like that fine with me if you dont understand that Open your eyes and see that everybody needs something to belive in There is no god no devil Just metal for me I live it I play it and I will die it "and if you aint got the balls to take it, you can leave the halls"
god_king said:
I was offended that I was called all these shit from some cunt joined the UM forum after me.

Hey guess what, limp dick, I actually joined before you. This is my second account, because I forgot the password on my first one. I originally joined back when JonnyD did, so lick a nut, you stupid brit.

god_king said:
Why does people like Johnny D take heavy metal music as their lives? I'm obsessive but not that much.

What fucking business is it of yours what he does or doesn't obsess about? Considering you know next to nothing about the guy, you're assuming an awful lot here. Music may mean a lot to him (especially since he's going to try and make a living out of it, at some point) but that doesn't mean he can't take a joke. He listens to Mr Bungle for fuck's sake!

So.... run along, fucktard, no one wants you here.
I'm wasn't talking about your foul mothed girl friend - frank I don't care what she says. I'm not that immature like her and you ( first IE thread ). From her comments her mental age must be very young. Perhaps she needs a soap in her mouth to clean up her language problems.

I was talking about people in this UM bloodstock forum.

Well Johnny D good luck with your band or your music career.

Like I said this UM ( all ) forum is rubbish. apart from Ayeka and sixxswine most people seems like an idiot.

Old school and not talking about old school funny huh?
god_king said:
I'm wasn't talking about your foul mothed girl friend - frank I don't care what she says. I'm not that immature like her and you ( first IE thread ). From her comments her mental age must be very young. Perhaps she needs a soap in her mouth to clean up her language problems.

I was talking about people in this UM bloodstock forum.

Well Johnny D good luck with your band or your music career.

Like I said this UM ( all ) forum is rubbish. apart from Ayeka and sixxswine most people seems like an idiot.

Old school and not talking about old school funny huh?

You must not know many American Women She is really quite subdued compared to most :p

Thanks alot for the Goodluck I will need all the luck I can get For it is a very hard Buisness to get into and be sucsessful at so yes thank you for that :)

If you dont like us lol dont keep talkin to us I really dont care either way I was just giving you shit all along ...... You can only discuss Metal for so long before you run out of things to say Hence is the reason I pick on ppl Pure boredom :p

As for this being for this being "Old school and not talking about old school" it all depends on what a certain Person would consider Old School Just because you consider everything from 85 and back to be old school doesnt make it absolutely so thats just your take on things, ya see to me Old school is more than Just a time frame its a frame of mind Its something I yearn for I like my Metal with old school flavor Doesnt mean it IS old school doesnt mean it isnt lol

I think I forgot where I was going with that lol

And Yes Sixxswine is a very cool dude who has some great threads here Stick around for a while and you might find that we are not that bad of a bunch its just that we arent gonna let New ppl run the place lol ........

I dont know ...... well anyways Mark this day down on the calander folks I'm gonna apologize...... I'm sorry if I pissed you off its just how I am :p