stupid question.....but I'm gonna ask anyways! bout' reamping


Oct 31, 2005
I'm looking to do some re-amping stuff in the very near future and I'm just wondering if some equipment I got now will work......or do I need to breakdown and buy something like a Radial X-Amp.

I already have a Morley ABY switch can I just run my guitar to it.....then into my Firepod? And later go the oposite route from my firepod headphone out (or whatever).....then to my 5150 input ??

holla holla,
Do yourself a favor and get an all in one box, like the Littlelabs Redeye. I got mine for 225 shipped, and it works flawlessly with my Firepod, and sounds great.

Guitar into Redeye, thru to POD and Firepod input 1, DI to firepod input 2. When you record, just have one track for each. Then, run a cable from one of the outputs (not 1 or 2, that'll be your default stereo mix - I chose 7 as it's far away from the others, harder to get mixed up). Set the output of the DI track to that output, and mic up as normal. Solo the mono, center-panned DI track, and record!
Yeah but that's a pretty shitty DI IMO - the Redeye is cheap and all in one, as well as sounds great. I don't know why you wouldn't go for it.

As far as routing, it's line out to Firepod2, thru (labeled as a 2nd instrument in on the backside on current pictures) to the POD, which goes to the Firepod1.
Actually, x-amp, 179 shipped. I sold mine like an idiot. Perhaps you can ask CJWall, he just got one.
DSS3 said:
Yeah but that's a pretty shitty DI IMO - the Redeye is cheap and all in one, as well as sounds great. I don't know why you wouldn't go for it.

As far as routing, it's line out to Firepod2, thru (labeled as a 2nd instrument in on the backside on current pictures) to the POD, which goes to the Firepod1.

so instrument input 2(on the back) becomes an output???? wierd labeling for sure!

Where do I purchase this redeye? Their website looks kinda shitty, and I really don't wanna give out a credit card number on an unsercure site.:ill:
I ordered it from Pro Audio Solutions - it was shipped to me directly from Redeye, who is a totally legit company.

It's not that Instrument In 2 turns into a thru, but the pictures on the site haven't been updated. It's actually labeled as a thru now.
It's really easy man:

Guitar -> Little Labs RedEye input
RedEye output 1 (Mic output) -> FirePod channel
RedEye output 2 (thru) -> POD -> FirePod channel

Then, to reamp:

FirePod output 7 (or whichever besides 1&2) -> RedEye Mic input
RedEye Reamp output -> Head/Combo input

Mic up a cab, solo the DI track in your host after setting it's output to the channel you are using to send to the RedEye (7, or whatever), hit record.

Done. :)

Honestly, there's no better deal than a RedEye, for $225 you get everything in one package. No reason to spend $20 -/+ less on subpar equipment.


I ordered a redeye as you recommened above. It better work or I will come find your ass. :)