Stupid questions

I'm here just since some day and thus I'm going to be more polite than how you have just been; so I won't say nothing more..but it's just for the first I won't be so "kind" in replying, ok?

....I don't follow what you are saying.... I think you thought I was referring to you in my previous reply, but not sure. Either which way, I was not. It just popped in my head when I read the thread title. To be honest, I didn't even read the question. You will need to be way less sensitive to hang out here. Trust me.
....I don't follow what you are saying.... I think you thought I was referring to you in my previous reply, but not sure. Either which way, I was not. It just popped in my head when I read the thread title. To be honest, I didn't even read the question. You will need to be way less sensitive to hang out here. Trust me.

The way you said it looked like you were referring to me. We didn't understood one the other. It happens..
as they said already: Mikael had the idea to make it a conceptalbum about something occult (with different aspects of contacts with the devil I think), but it turned out differently when he wrote Isolation Years. after that the idea of the concept was put aside ... so there are more parts in it that have nothing to do with the original idea!

and it's also a fact that the order in which the songs appear on the album are not according to a timeline of the original concept. there has been an interview where they said that they talked about the order in which to put the songs.
so if you really want to reconstruct the original concept (which wasn't even finished), than you have to puzzle with all the different parts (and perhaps there are bits cut out of it). but I don't think the concept was a real story, but more like different aspects of the devil or something like that. so you really are waisting your time :p ... perhaps you can spend it better at creating your own story.

I'm quite sure the concept is concept at 100% (except IY)..:Smug:
The fact is that i can't completely understand the incipit of the whole story (and some happening order) said I'm however sure it's a concept (I saw an interview..and I was neither looking for that :lol: )