Suffocation - Suffocation

I tell you what has become old and washed out since '93. Sarcasm..that's what. If I become sarcastic once with someone, I can't do it again. Overall, a meh sarcams recently.
^:lol: TheGreatDeceiver

Just reading down the list, there is like a conversation going on, then it was like you just walked in the room and said that, sorta smiled/frowned at peoples reactions then walked off, haha, the people who do that are the best :headbang:

I have to find this new suffocation material then get back to this thread
~ ok so far i can say, the solo's sound like Suffocation meets Andy LaRocque :p
It's not bad but not amazing. I would say the production is easily the bands best yet. Musically better than souls to deny and despise the sun. This record sounds more like what they should have released for the reunion instead of souls to deny. A major complaint for me is the lack of solos(same with the last two). If you listen to 'pierced from within' for example there is solos/tradebacks all over the place. Suffocation is the only brutal death metal I can stomach and for a new album this still has oldschool qualities. Suffocation still sound like they don't care about what current death metal standards are but do demenstrate they are not exactly outdated. The band still makes their fanboy second rate followers look unskilled. Suffocation probably would be better if they still had Doug Cerrito. This s/t does alittle resemble pierced from within. Souls To Deny is really rusty and a lot of the times sounds like a brutal slayer reign in blood/hell awaits with palm mutting and death vocals. Both guitarists picking seems a lot slower than normal. I'm surprised the band replaced their second guitarist with guy because the he is an average guitarist. The band could have found a random guitarist who would be more fitting. Guy can't solo well or anything.
I agree with The Greys that it's an improvement over Souls, both in production and writing. Not absolutely stunningly mandatory, but at least above average. They're still pretty good at creating a sinister atmosphere in many of their riffs, which is more than I can say for a lot of their clones who don't do much more than alternate slammy breakdowns with hyper-technical sections.
TylerTheNuke said:
I just bought my first suffocation album. Is despise the sun suppossed to be one of the good ones?

Btw, sarcasm doesn't work around here. I've tried before.
Probably Effigy of the Forgotten.
dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
Suffocation is overrated as hell.

explain yourself

...anyway i've only listened to the new cd a couple times but it strikes me like souls to deny...not perfect like all their other cds but it has some great songs mixed with some average/mediocre songs...i think the loss of doug cerrito is part of the problem on the new stuff...terrance can write some good songs but not enough to fill an entire album...that's where doug would have helped