Suggestions on new guitar?


Destroyer of gayness
Sep 6, 2002
Alice Springs, Australia
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Hey dudes, I'm a novice (read: never played guitar in my entire life) guitar player, and I'm looking to start learning. However, first I need to buy a guitar, but I need some advice. I'm looking at spending maybe around $500 Australian, around $250-$300 US, on a guitar and maybe around $100 on a cheapass amp, as I'm going to be living on campus in Uni, and I won't be able to crank it anyway. Oh, and maybe $100-$200 Australian on a multi-effects pedal or something like that. Anyone got any suggestions? Remember I've never played guitar before, and remember, all I'll be playing is metal, metal and more metal!!!
Hey man

I'm no expert either... but I do know that it's definetly best to go for second hand. If you know someone who knows a bit about guitars get them to tag along, so you know you're not getting screwed. For $500 you should be able to get a Jackson Kelly or Randy Rhoads guitar (basically the same as Alexis, but different pickups, inlays, etc), which looks awesome. For $100, you could get a new practice amp, maybe 10 to 15 watts, but the brand would be pretty shite. If you look around you should be able to score maybe a 25 watt Marshall MG. Im not too up to date on the amp side of things so someone else here will be able to help. For under $200 you can get a Digitec RP100 or a Zoom 505II (The Digitech is better, but costs slightly more... the Zoom did me fine), they are mini multieffects units, and have about 33 different effects in total. Under bedroom conditions, and especially to a first time player, they sound fucking awesome. You get loads of distortions, delays, flange, auto wah, chorus, and heaps of other funky effects that just sound cool. You can mix and match something like 10 effects and get some wicked sounds happening, ot just mix a couple for a very nice distortion sound. A setup like this, while being far from professional, sounds awesome for practice, and is VERY versatile. As for the guitar, for $500 you can get a second hand one that will last you a long time. Go for the Jacksons!!! If you decide on getting a new one, Im pretty sure you can still pick up a brand new lower end Jackson, like one of the Dinky models (they have pretty much the "standard guitar shape" I guess). There are other great guitars around though, depending on the sound you want. But seeings as you posted this on the Children of Bodom board im recommending the Jacksons. And guaranteed.... the Rhoads will reel in the chicks ;) :lol:

Hope this helps, cheers.
I learned to play guitar on "Cortez the Killer"... an old Cortez acoustic my friend owns that had more rust to the strings than metal. After I trudged through that experience I bought a used electric for $100 or so and a used amp for $50 (Canadian dollars too). Acoustic's are good to start on because if you switch to an electric later once you're semi-skilled it's reeeeally easy.

Guitar can be an expensive hobby, and it can be a cheap hobby. It all depends on how much of a picky bitch you are with how it sounds. :)
stick with Deafmetal's suggestions, it will do you very fine.

a Jackson guitar screams heavy metal. it has an edgier sound to it, I don't know how to explain it. it's just not the kind of guitar to play blues, Jackson is a metal guitar. great sound and reliable as shit. try to get you one.

for the multieffects, the Zoom is a fine cost/benefit one. cheap and versatile as heck. if you mix some of the effects with your amp's distortion, I assure you, you will be happy.

and for the Amp, let me recommend you a Marshall one as well. try to get yourself a Marshall MG10CD. if you're gonna play in a dorm, you don't need more than 10W, trust me in this one man. you won't be able to put your amp on full power unless you want people to throw stuff at you.
and this amp has something cool on it: you can use it to play a CD on the headphones and jam with your guitar at the same time. it's awesome to learn and pick those hard-ass riffs, good for a student. and not too expensive, cause it's 10W.

with this set, you're all ready to play your ass off in your dorm.

as Frank Zappa would say: "shut up and play yer guitar"

I wish you luck, brother. :)

edit:btw... destroyer of gayness hahahahahaha that rocks. me and my friend were trying to make a song called "when dragons come to earth with hatred for the homossexuals" LOL but we are lazy bastards and never finished it
Thanks a lot for all your help guys! Many many thanks indeed. I won't be buying stuff until after chrissy because then everything will be cheaper, but hey, I figure I'd start researching now.
I've had a couple of people tell me that the Warlock's are good, and I reckon they're fucking sexy looking, but what do you guys think? Would I be able to pick one up for $500-$600? I don't mind spending a bit over 500, so yeah.
Edit: Dawnghost - you should finish that song man!! Already it sounds awesome!!
Warlock's can run under 500 maybe around 300 (someone correct me if i'm wrong) Personally i didn't like them but that is just my opinion. When i bought my first guitar I bought one of the beginner packs that came with a cheap amp cheap guitr picks etc. It cost about 350 at the most. So that is my suggestion for you.
But is this US dollars? I think Warlocks retail brand new for around $1200 Australian dollars... not too much at all so yeah you should be able to pick up a second hand one around the $600 AUD mark. The "Beast" looks even better, but Warlocks are a damn find looking guitar. In my opinion the BC rich warlock/beast have THE best headstocks of any guitar... those horns are stunning, just perfect. Im not sure how they play, I do know that the mighty Jon Schaffer uses BC rich guitars, a modified beast I think, as does Stu of Dungeon, so if you get a well looked after second hand one you cant really go wrong.