
What do you think of suicide or the lethal injection?

  • It should be kept/made legal.

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • It should be kept/made illegal

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • I don't care/ I don't have any opinion of the matter:D

    Votes: 13 29.5%

  • Total voters
not really.

What I meant was that I'm the only one eligible to say anything about my opinion, and you should just shut the fuck up and accept that I have a legitimate point about not agreeing with you :)
I'm not saying you agree with me, I'm just saying that you shouldn't just follow the herd to "blend in". that's weak. Too afraid of being kicked for individualism

and you don't even have any arguements why I'm wrong, just "general knowledge" about it (which happens to be wrong)

I'm going to bed now, maybe I'll be back tomorrow
I'm not saying you agree with me, I'm just saying that you shouldn't just follow the herd to "blend in". that's weak. Too afraid of being kicked for individualism

and you don't even have any arguements why I'm wrong, just "general knowledge" about it (which happens to be wrong)

I'm going to bed now, maybe I'll be back tomorrow

Let me rephrase it for the reading impaired

You might as well just accept that I have a legitimate opinion, or shut the hell up.

I hope that is clear.

As for the rest, no, that's not general knowledge, and I didn't say that emos ASK for compassion, I just say that they are not WORTHY of mine, and therefore my judgement on them will be as hard as it gets. Don't expect me to empathise, I'm not the virgin mary - and darwin holds a place in his heart for the weak.

Let evolution cleanse the human genome of that particular weakness, har.
wrong, wrong, wrong

that has nothing to do with it. People cut themselves to feel in control of their pain, which they don't have when their pain is by the cause of some other ignorant-not-worthy-of-being-human-stereoptyping-asshole.

not really
A drunk staggers out of a bar and runs right into two priests.

He says, "I'm Jesus Christ." The first priest says, "No, son, you're not."
So the drunk says it to the second priest. The second priest says, "No, son, you're not."

The drunk says, "Look, I can prove it." He walks back into the bar with the two priests.

The bartender takes one look at the drunk and exclaims, "Jesus Christ, you're here again?"
I love how it is common belief on this board that all cutters are emo or goth. Or just do it for attention. :rolleyes:

Let me tell you something: I'm cutting since I was 14. I'm 19 now. I never did it for attention. Not one single time. I did it because I felt like I was being a burden to everyone and because my life was pretty much fucked up.
Nowadays I do it because it's an addiction, it's like alcohol or cigaretts or whatever is your drug of choice. I tried to quit cutting about five times, but I just can't. Just like I can't quit smoking.
And let me tell you: I hate it. I hate it with a passion. I want to stop so badly and I just can't and people who say that cutters do it for "fun" or because they want attention just make it harder for me.

On the topic of hiding cutting: I hid my cuts untill I was 16, well, I still hid them at school, but I stopped hiding them from my family and friends.
Wanna know why? Because I realised that I needed help. Desperatly. And because people who know you notice if you're wearing long sleeves when it's 40°C outside...

Anyway, I know it was stupid of me to write this, but I just had to get that of my chest. You may now proceed to tell me how "gay" and "emo" I am. :rolleyes:
I love how it is common belief on this board that all cutters are emo or goth. Or just do it for attention. :rolleyes:

Let me tell you something: I'm cutting since I was 14. I'm 19 now. I never did it for attention. Not one single time. I did it because I felt like I was being a burden to everyone and because my life was pretty much fucked up.
Nowadays I do it because it's an addiction, it's like alcohol or cigaretts or whatever is your drug of choice. I tried to quit cutting about five times, but I just can't. Just like I can't quit smoking.
And let me tell you: I hate it. I hate it with a passion. I want to stop so badly and I just can't and people who say that cutters do it for "fun" or because they want attention just make it harder for me.

On the topic of hiding cutting: I hid my cuts untill I was 16, well, I still hid them at school, but I stopped hiding them from my family and friends.
Wanna know why? Because I realised that I needed help. Desperatly. And because people who know you notice if you're wearing long sleeves when it's 40°C outside...

Anyway, I know it was stupid of me to write this, but I just had to get that of my chest. You may now proceed to tell me how "gay" and "emo" I am. :rolleyes:

dont forget tho you cut up the vein.. You know what they always say its down the road not across the street! do it right next time :)
dont forget tho you cut up the vein.. You know what they always say its down the road not across the street! do it right next time :)

Actually, from what I heard, the best way to do it was to cut diagonal lines... But thanks for talking shit about me, anyway :)
I love how it is common belief on this board that all cutters are emo or goth. Or just do it for attention. :rolleyes:

Let me tell you something: I'm cutting since I was 14. I'm 19 now. I never did it for attention. Not one single time. I did it because I felt like I was being a burden to everyone and because my life was pretty much fucked up.
Nowadays I do it because it's an addiction, it's like alcohol or cigaretts or whatever is your drug of choice. I tried to quit cutting about five times, but I just can't. Just like I can't quit smoking.
And let me tell you: I hate it. I hate it with a passion. I want to stop so badly and I just can't and people who say that cutters do it for "fun" or because they want attention just make it harder for me.

On the topic of hiding cutting: I hid my cuts untill I was 16, well, I still hid them at school, but I stopped hiding them from my family and friends.
Wanna know why? Because I realised that I needed help. Desperatly. And because people who know you notice if you're wearing long sleeves when it's 40°C outside...

Anyway, I know it was stupid of me to write this, but I just had to get that of my chest. You may now proceed to tell me how "gay" and "emo" I am. :rolleyes:
